Europe Armchair

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  • for user-819219bca0e9

    The best packaging so that even the most clumsy courier couldn't damage the item, very good seller, I highly recommend him. Thank you very much.


  • for user-819219bca0e9

    descrizione corrispondente all'oggetto ricevuto. imballo estremamente robusto. quindi direi ottimo. unico appunto, l'oggetto era estremamente sporco. per il resto tutto ok.


  • for user-819219bca0e9

    Today I have got the shipment. Securely packed. I am satisfied. Thank you very much! Cordiali saluti dalla invernale Polonia settentrionale. Best regards Wojtek


  • for user-819219bca0e9

    I am very happy with the table, it was also well packed!


  • for user-819219bca0e9

    Thanks for granting the item as expexted and very well transported


  • for user-819219bca0e9

    Puntuale. Imballaggio eseguito con cura. Soddisfatto.


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