No. 94458228

No longer available
1:43 - Model car  (10) - Lamborghini
Bidding closed
3 days ago

1:43 - Model car (10) - Lamborghini

LOTTO 10 MODELLINI LAMBORGHINI SCALA 1/43 Vendo in blocco (o anche separatamente) 10 modellini Lamborghini in scala 1/43. Le lamborghini sono 10 modelli d’epoca. Tutti i modellini sono nella loro piccola teca in plexiglass ed anche nella loro confezione originale. Vendo molti altri modellini in varie scale; guardate le mie altre aste. Per qualsiasi domanda o per ulteriori foto contattatemi senza problemi. LOT 10 MODELS LAMBORGHINI CAR 1/43 SCALE I am selling in bulk (or separately) 10 Lamborghini models in 1/43 scale. The Lamborghinis are 10 vintage models. All the models are in their small plexiglass case and also in their original packaging. I am selling many other models in various scale, look my other advertisements For any questions or for further photos contact me without problems

No. 94458228

No longer available
1:43 - Model car  (10) - Lamborghini

1:43 - Model car (10) - Lamborghini

Selling in bulk (or separately) 10 Lamborghini model cars in 1/43 scale.
The Lamborghinis are 10 classic models.
All the models are in their small plexiglass case and also in their original packaging.
I sell many other models in various scales; see my other auctions.
For any questions or for more photos, feel free to contact me.

I am selling in bulk (or separately) 10 Lamborghini models in 1/43 scale.
The Lamborghinis are 10 vintage models.
All the models are in their small plexiglass case and also in their original packaging.
I am selling many other models in various scales, look at my other advertisements
For any questions or further photos, contact me without hesitation.

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