No. 94411207

No longer available
Akai - GX-210D - 4 track - *Serviced* Reel to reel deck 18 cm
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19 h ago

Akai - GX-210D - 4 track - *Serviced* Reel to reel deck 18 cm

Akai GX-210D Tape Deck Wonderful Akai deck. Well playing. De spoelen/banden zijn niet inbegrepen in het kavel. Deze zijn alleen voor de foto. Koppen loopwerk en potmeters, schakelaars gereiniga, Supply spoelschotel hersteld, alle transistoren in line circuit vervangen. SPECS: Track system: auto reverse, 4-track, 2-channel, stereo/monaural system Heads: 1 x record/erase, 1 x play Motor: 2 x reel, 1 x capstan Reel size: up to 7 inch reel Tape speeds: 3 3⁄4 7 1⁄2 ips Wow and flutter: 0.08% (7 1⁄2 ips) Frequency response: 30Hz to 25kHz (7 1⁄2 ips) Signal to Noise Ratio: 50dB Total harmonic distortion: 1.5% Crosstalk: 45dB Input: 60mV (line), 5mV (DIN), 0.3mV (mic) Output: 1.228V (line), 0.6V (DIN) Semiconductors: 29 x transistors, 15 x diodes, 3 x zener diodes Dimensions: 368 x 371 x 227mm Weight: 15.4kg To deliver this product properly, it is carefully packed in very strong boxes, thereby wrapped in bubble wrap with lots of padding. We mainly use plastic to fill up the package, if wished differently please contact us. The package is shipped insured to protect both the buyer and seller. For further packing wishes please message after purchase. Photos serve as additional description of product condition / condition of display & LEDs. Please review them carefully before purchase. Orders to islands, or special destinations have a higher shipping cost, for example; Canary Islands

No. 94411207

No longer available
Akai - GX-210D - 4 track - *Serviced* Reel to reel deck 18 cm

Akai - GX-210D - 4 track - *Serviced* Reel to reel deck 18 cm

Akai GX-210D Tape Deck

Wonderful Akai deck. Well playing.
De spoelen/banden zijn niet inbegrepen in het kavel. Deze zijn alleen voor de foto.

Koppen loopwerk en potmeters, schakelaars gereiniga, Supply spoelschotel hersteld, alle transistoren in line circuit vervangen.


Track system: auto reverse, 4-track, 2-channel, stereo/monaural system
Heads: 1 x record/erase, 1 x play
Motor: 2 x reel, 1 x capstan
Reel size: up to 7 inch reel
Tape speeds: 3 3⁄4 7 1⁄2 ips
Wow and flutter: 0.08% (7 1⁄2 ips)
Frequency response: 30Hz to 25kHz (7 1⁄2 ips)
Signal to Noise Ratio: 50dB
Total harmonic distortion: 1.5%
Crosstalk: 45dB
Input: 60mV (line), 5mV (DIN), 0.3mV (mic)
Output: 1.228V (line), 0.6V (DIN)
Semiconductors: 29 x transistors, 15 x diodes, 3 x zener diodes
Dimensions: 368 x 371 x 227mm
Weight: 15.4kg

To deliver this product properly, it is carefully packed in very strong boxes, thereby wrapped in bubble wrap with lots of padding. We mainly use plastic to fill up the package, if wished differently please contact us. The package is shipped insured to protect both the buyer and seller. For further packing wishes please message after purchase. Photos serve as additional description of product condition / condition of display & LEDs. Please review them carefully before purchase. Orders to islands, or special destinations have a higher shipping cost, for example; Canary Islands

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