No. 94385522

Nokia TMX-1LS SIP - Mobile phone (1)
Final bid
€ 50
3 days ago

Nokia TMX-1LS SIP - Mobile phone (1)

Vendo telefono portatile,accessorio auto Nokia modello TMX-1LS SIP. Il telefono non è testato, le condizioni estetiche sono molto buone(vedi le foto). Dimensioni 22x11x6 cm I sell portable phone,car accessory Nokia model TMX-1LS SIP. The phone is not tested, cosmetic condition is very good(see photos). Dimensions 22x11x6 cm

No. 94385522

Nokia TMX-1LS SIP - Mobile phone (1)

Nokia TMX-1LS SIP - Mobile phone (1)

Selling portable phone, Nokia model TMX-1LS SIP car accessory.
The phone is untested, the aesthetic conditions are very good (see the photos).
Dimensions 22x11x6 cm

I sell portable phone, car accessory Nokia model TMX-1LS SIP.
The phone is not tested, cosmetic condition is very good (see photos).
Dimensions 22x11x6 cm

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