No. 94372591

Nintendo - Gamecube - Super Mario Sunshine Pak _ Super Smash Bros Melee - Video game console + games - In original box
Final bid
€ 220
13 h ago

Nintendo - Gamecube - Super Mario Sunshine Pak _ Super Smash Bros Melee - Video game console + games - In original box

Console, controller, cables and games in excellent conditions. Smash bros case has two cracks on bottom. Box in very good conditions, with original internal cardboard and paperworks. Included a working non original memory card. This is my first auction but be confident, it will be accurately packaged and protected. Console, controller, cavi e giochi in ottime condizioni. La custodia di smash bros ha due crepe sul fondo. Scatola in condizioni molto buone, con cartone interno originale e documenti. Inclusa una scheda di memoria funzionante non originale. È la mia prima vendita ma sono una persona scrupolosa, quindi sarà accuratamente imballato e protetto.

No. 94372591

Nintendo - Gamecube - Super Mario Sunshine Pak _ Super Smash Bros Melee - Video game console + games - In original box

Nintendo - Gamecube - Super Mario Sunshine Pak _ Super Smash Bros Melee - Video game console + games - In original box

Console, controller, cables and games in excellent conditions. Smash Bros case has two cracks on the bottom.
Box in very good conditions, with original internal cardboard and paperwork.
Included a working non-original memory card.
This is my first auction but be confident, it will be accurately packaged and protected.

Console, controller, cables, and games in excellent condition. The Smash Bros case has two cracks at the bottom.
Box in very good condition, with original inner cardboard and documents.
Included is a functioning non-original memory card.
It is my first sale but I am a meticulous person, so it will be carefully packed and protected.

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