No. 94372139

Miguel S. Babiano - 1 Original colour drawing - Classics Illustrated, Daisy Duck, Donald Duck - Hollywood or Duck
Final bid
€ 46
1 day ago

Miguel S. Babiano - 1 Original colour drawing - Classics Illustrated, Daisy Duck, Donald Duck - Hollywood or Duck

Illustration for the series "DISNEY'S TRIBUTE TO CLASSIC CINEMA" with Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis and Pat Crowley, titled "HOLLYWOOD OR DUCK" 2. A tribute the famous "HOLLYWOOD OR BUST". Hand drawn by Miguel S. Babiano on 200 gsm. Canson paper with orange, red and black pencil and markers. Size: 21 X 29,5 cms. Signed by the artist. This auction is for the original hand drawing. #DonaldDuck90 Miguel Sánchez Babiano was born in Barcelona in 1967. In 1993, Begins his professional career as a drawer through licensed studios for various european publishers such as EGMONT Y EGMONT-EHAPA, SHIBSTEDFORLAGEN EDITORIAL, PABEL-MOEWIG VERLAG KG, XENOX, BLUE OCEAN, producing licensed artwork. Disney, Warner Bros, The Jim Henson Company and LEGO are among the main companies he worked for in europe published magazines for the next 30 coming years, in projects such as: "Disney Princess", "Disney magazine", "Donald Duck", "Scooby doo", cuentos "Sesame Street", "Lego, Legends of Chima", "Lego, Nexo Knights", "Lego, Star wars", "lego, Ninjago" y "Lego City". During all this time he’s been combining his licensed work with his own creations for EDITORIAL CADÍ-EVEREST and being part of a drawing team as a creative member. #disneyinspiredart

No. 94372139

Miguel S. Babiano - 1 Original colour drawing - Classics Illustrated, Daisy Duck, Donald Duck - Hollywood or Duck

Miguel S. Babiano - 1 Original colour drawing - Classics Illustrated, Daisy Duck, Donald Duck - Hollywood or Duck

Illustration for the series "DISNEY'S TRIBUTE TO CLASSIC CINEMA" with Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis and Pat Crowley, titled "HOLLYWOOD OR DUCK" 2. A tribute the famous "HOLLYWOOD OR BUST". Hand drawn by Miguel S. Babiano on 200 gsm. Canson paper with orange, red and black pencil and markers.
Size: 21 X 29,5 cms.
Signed by the artist.
This auction is for the original hand drawing.


Miguel Sánchez Babiano was born in Barcelona in 1967.
In 1993, Begins his professional career as a drawer through licensed studios for various european publishers such as EGMONT Y EGMONT-EHAPA, SHIBSTEDFORLAGEN EDITORIAL, PABEL-MOEWIG VERLAG KG, XENOX, BLUE OCEAN, producing licensed artwork.
Disney, Warner Bros, The Jim Henson Company and LEGO are among the main companies he worked for in europe published magazines for the next 30 coming years, in projects such as: "Disney Princess", "Disney magazine", "Donald Duck", "Scooby doo", cuentos "Sesame Street", "Lego, Legends of Chima", "Lego, Nexo Knights", "Lego, Star wars", "lego, Ninjago" y "Lego City".
During all this time he’s been combining his licensed work with his own creations for EDITORIAL CADÍ-EVEREST and being part of a drawing team as a creative member.


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