No. 94367239

Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison, Cliff Richard - Elvis & Friends - Nine albums with earliest rock 'n roll incl interview - Multiple titles - LP - Mono - 1967
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€ 53
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Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison, Cliff Richard - Elvis & Friends - Nine albums with earliest rock 'n roll incl interview - Multiple titles - LP - Mono - 1967

We all love music, but do we give enough thanks to the inventors, the fathers? Here you have a chance to own the beginning of rock ‘n roll, with works from scoundrell Chuck Berry, Cliff, Roy Orbison and, of course, the King. Note: one record has no music but the renowned Elvis Tapes interview, him talking in 1957! These records are special because they are in remarkable condition. They come from the proverbial attic where they were preciously preserved for decades. Please please check all the pictures, enlarge them and you will see: not a scratch on them and most of the sleeves would fool you too. 1 Greatest hits – Chuck Berry (1964) It’s all of them: Roll over Beethoven, Maybelline, Brown-eyed handsome man, Memphis and Johnny B Goode. Nothing less than a legend, influenced almost everybody and even put Keith Richards in his place when the Brit was chatty. This is a must-have and it is even on Chess Records. Chess, HJC 171, 1964, (possibly a reissue) Netherlands. Vinyl NM, sleeve EX (sticker damage on back) 2 Medley – Chuck Berry. (1967) I could not find much info on this. The Medley-title seems to hint at the first take: a medley of Everyday I have the blues and Rocking at the Fillmore. No info on band, studio or producer. Mercury, 6851 002, (1967) U.K. Vinyl Nm, sleeve NM. Vinyl feels like 180 grams. 3 St Louie to Frisco to Memphis – Chuck Berry (1972). A double live album, consisting of old material. Record 1 is a re-issue of the concert with the Steve Miller Band in 1967 at the Fillmore in San Fransico. The second record is a compilation of his late 60’s Mercury live albums: Chuck in Memphis, (1967), From St louie to Frisco (1968) and Concerto in B. Goode (1969). Mercury, SRM 2-6501, 1972, USA. Vinyl NM, sleeve EX(heavy carton slight colouration) 4. All my love – Cliff Richard (1970). Re-issue of ‘Cliff Richard’ from 1965. Features, of course, the Shadows, but also some songs with the Mike Sammes singers and/or an orchestra. Special because some songs were recorded in New York and Nashville. EMI/MFP, MFP1420, 1970, Netherlands. Vinyl NM, Sleeve NM. Strange stamps: ‘Contents manufactured in USA’ and ‘Not exchangable’, maybe a press release? 5. More of his greatest hits – Roy Orbinson. (1974). A musthave just for 'It’s over'! A 1974 re-issue of the 1964 compilation. Often considered as one of the best voices in music, hardly anybody could sing that high. CBS/Monument, MNT 80241, Netherlands. Vinyl NM, Sleeve EX+ (slight black shadow on front) 6. Elvis Presley. Original release 1956. This must be a re-issue, although it is still very old by the feel of it. It has Blue suede shoes, Tutti Frutti, Blue moon and others. RCA Victor, LSP 1254(e), USA. Vinyl NM (really, feels like 180 gr). Sleeve NM (really too). Wonderful Elvis-dedicated inner sleeve. 7. The Elvis tapes. (1977) No music but a talkie. And: sealed! It is an interview he did in 1957, just before going on stage at the Vancouver Empire Stadium. It was done by Red Robinson, the dj who first played Elvis on Canadian radio. He was master of ceremonies at the concert. According to him (on the sleeve notes), it is one of the most interesting and comprehensive studies of the man and his music. Great Northwest Music company, nu number, USA. Mint and sealed. Probably a 1992 re-issue. 8. Brown-eyed handsome man – Carl Perkins. Rare compilation, only three pressings known. Named after the Chuck Berry song. Perkins was nicknamed The King of rockabilly, According to Charlie Daniels, Perkins' songs personified the rockabilly era, 'and his sound personifies the rockabilly sound more so than anybody involved in it, because he never changed'. CBS, S53111, Netherlands. Vinyl NM, sleeve EX 9. Greatest hits – Johnny Ray (1969). Re-issue from 1958 original. Ray has been cited by critics as a major precursor to what became rock ‘n roll for his jazz and blues-influenced music and his animated stage personality. Tony Bennet called Ray the "father of rock and roll", and historians have noted him as a pioneering figure in the development of the genre. He was the prime target for teen hysteria in the pre-Presley days. CBS, S52317, 1969, Netherlands. Vinyl NM, sleeve EX+ (slight shadows)

No. 94367239

Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison, Cliff Richard - Elvis & Friends - Nine albums with earliest rock 'n roll incl interview - Multiple titles - LP - Mono - 1967

Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison, Cliff Richard - Elvis & Friends - Nine albums with earliest rock 'n roll incl interview - Multiple titles - LP - Mono - 1967

We all love music, but do we give enough thanks to the inventors, the fathers? Here you have a chance to own the beginning of rock ‘n roll, with works from scoundrell Chuck Berry, Cliff, Roy Orbison and, of course, the King. Note: one record has no music but the renowned Elvis Tapes interview, him talking in 1957!

These records are special because they are in remarkable condition. They come from the proverbial attic where they were preciously preserved for decades. Please please check all the pictures, enlarge them and you will see: not a scratch on them and most of the sleeves would fool you too.

1 Greatest hits – Chuck Berry (1964) It’s all of them: Roll over Beethoven, Maybelline, Brown-eyed handsome man, Memphis and Johnny B Goode. Nothing less than a legend, influenced almost everybody and even put Keith Richards in his place when the Brit was chatty. This is a must-have and it is even on Chess Records. Chess, HJC 171, 1964, (possibly a reissue) Netherlands. Vinyl NM, sleeve EX (sticker damage on back)

2 Medley – Chuck Berry. (1967) I could not find much info on this. The Medley-title seems to hint at the first take: a medley of Everyday I have the blues and Rocking at the Fillmore. No info on band, studio or producer. Mercury, 6851 002, (1967) U.K. Vinyl Nm, sleeve NM. Vinyl feels like 180 grams.

3 St Louie to Frisco to Memphis – Chuck Berry (1972). A double live album, consisting of old material. Record 1 is a re-issue of the concert with the Steve Miller Band in 1967 at the Fillmore in San Fransico. The second record is a compilation of his late 60’s Mercury live albums: Chuck in Memphis, (1967), From St louie to Frisco (1968) and Concerto in B. Goode (1969). Mercury, SRM 2-6501, 1972, USA. Vinyl NM, sleeve EX(heavy carton slight colouration)

4. All my love – Cliff Richard (1970). Re-issue of ‘Cliff Richard’ from 1965. Features, of course, the Shadows, but also some songs with the Mike Sammes singers and/or an orchestra. Special because some songs were recorded in New York and Nashville. EMI/MFP, MFP1420, 1970, Netherlands. Vinyl NM, Sleeve NM. Strange stamps: ‘Contents manufactured in USA’ and ‘Not exchangable’, maybe a press release?

5. More of his greatest hits – Roy Orbinson. (1974). A musthave just for 'It’s over'! A 1974 re-issue of the 1964 compilation. Often considered as one of the best voices in music, hardly anybody could sing that high. CBS/Monument, MNT 80241, Netherlands. Vinyl NM, Sleeve EX+ (slight black shadow on front)

6. Elvis Presley. Original release 1956. This must be a re-issue, although it is still very old by the feel of it. It has Blue suede shoes, Tutti Frutti, Blue moon and others. RCA Victor, LSP 1254(e), USA. Vinyl NM (really, feels like 180 gr). Sleeve NM (really too). Wonderful Elvis-dedicated inner sleeve.

7. The Elvis tapes. (1977) No music but a talkie. And: sealed! It is an interview he did in 1957, just before going on stage at the Vancouver Empire Stadium. It was done by Red Robinson, the dj who first played Elvis on Canadian radio. He was master of ceremonies at the concert. According to him (on the sleeve notes), it is one of the most interesting and comprehensive studies of the man and his music. Great Northwest Music company, nu number, USA. Mint and sealed. Probably a 1992 re-issue.

8. Brown-eyed handsome man – Carl Perkins. Rare compilation, only three pressings known. Named after the Chuck Berry song. Perkins was nicknamed The King of rockabilly, According to Charlie Daniels, Perkins' songs personified the rockabilly era, 'and his sound personifies the rockabilly sound more so than anybody involved in it, because he never changed'. CBS, S53111, Netherlands. Vinyl NM, sleeve EX

9. Greatest hits – Johnny Ray (1969). Re-issue from 1958 original. Ray has been cited by critics as a major precursor to what became rock ‘n roll for his jazz and blues-influenced music and his animated stage personality. Tony Bennet called Ray the "father of rock and roll", and historians have noted him as a pioneering figure in the development of the genre. He was the prime target for teen hysteria in the pre-Presley days. CBS, S52317, 1969, Netherlands. Vinyl NM, sleeve EX+ (slight shadows)

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