No. 94330928

Faller, Kibri H0 - Model train scenery (6) - Several beautiful apartment buildings
Final bid
€ 160
2 days ago

Faller, Kibri H0 - Model train scenery (6) - Several beautiful apartment buildings

Diverse fraaie flatgebouwen/panden in stedelijke omgeving. Enkele kleine onderdelen zijn vervangen door een alternatief. Bekijk de foto's, zij maken deel uit van de beschrijving. De kavel bestaat uit de volgende flatgebouwen: -Postkantoor met bushalte (vintage) - Faller -Flatgebouw breed met winkelpanden (vintage) - Kibri -Flatgebouw hoog met winkelpanden (vintage) - Kibri 8210 -Dubbel flatgebouw met volksbank, fraai verlicht (vintage) - Faller -3 dubbel flatgebouw met winkelpanden - Kibri -Dubbel flatgebouw met winkelpanden - Kibri Deze fraaie panden zullen zorgvuldig worden verpakt en verzonden met DHL met track&trace.

No. 94330928

Faller, Kibri H0 - Model train scenery (6) - Several beautiful apartment buildings

Faller, Kibri H0 - Model train scenery (6) - Several beautiful apartment buildings

Various beautiful apartment buildings/properties in urban environment. Some small parts have been replaced by an alternative. View the photos, they are part of the description. The lot consists of the following apartment buildings:
-Post office with bus stop (vintage) - Faller
-Apartment building wide with shops (vintage) - Kibri
-High apartment building with shops (vintage) - Kibri 8210
-Double apartment building with public bank, beautifully lit (vintage) - Faller
-3 double apartment building with shops - Kibri
-Double apartment building with shops - Kibri

These beautiful properties will be carefully packed and shipped with DHL with track & trace.

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