No. 94322219

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (DreamWorks, 2002) - 1 Animation Drawing of Spirit!
Final bid
€ 59
22 h ago

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (DreamWorks, 2002) - 1 Animation Drawing of Spirit!

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (DreamWorks, 2002) Spirit Animation Drawing With an expression of perplexed awe, the eponymous Spirit of DreamWorks' 2002 feature film Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron appears in this splendid original animation drawing. Combining both traditional hand-drawn and computer-rendered animation, Spirit is a Western that follows a Kiger Mustang stallion who is captured during the American Indian Wars by the US Cavalry. However, with the help of a Native American man named Little Creek, Spirit is able to escape the cavalry fort and eventually return to his herd thanks to Little Creek, the other Lakota, and their beloved tame horses. Scene can be found beginning near the 40:32 timestamp of the film, Spirit is stunned to see other horses willfully interacting with their Native American riders, one of the first times in his life he has seen positive interactions between horses and humans after his subjugation at the hands of the cavalry. With typical studio handling and edge wear including peghole reinforcement, superficial surface wrinkling, light corner creasing, and some areas of light smudging/staining, overall this drawing is in Very Good condition.

No. 94322219

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (DreamWorks, 2002) - 1 Animation Drawing of Spirit!

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (DreamWorks, 2002) - 1 Animation Drawing of Spirit!

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (DreamWorks, 2002)
Spirit Animation Drawing

With an expression of perplexed awe, the eponymous Spirit of DreamWorks' 2002 feature film Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron appears in this splendid original animation drawing. Combining both traditional hand-drawn and computer-rendered animation, Spirit is a Western that follows a Kiger Mustang stallion who is captured during the American Indian Wars by the US Cavalry. However, with the help of a Native American man named Little Creek, Spirit is able to escape the cavalry fort and eventually return to his herd thanks to Little Creek, the other Lakota, and their beloved tame horses.

Scene can be found beginning near the 40:32 timestamp of the film, Spirit is stunned to see other horses willfully interacting with their Native American riders, one of the first times in his life he has seen positive interactions between horses and humans after his subjugation at the hands of the cavalry.

With typical studio handling and edge wear including peghole reinforcement, superficial surface wrinkling, light corner creasing, and some areas of light smudging/staining, overall this drawing is in Very Good condition.

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