No. 94314149

ºRibes Atelierº - ∞Maryana Iskra∞ - Drinking set (6) - ˜Murano˜ (6) $the best gift money can buy$ - Murano glass
Final bid
€ 170
1 day ago

ºRibes Atelierº - ∞Maryana Iskra∞ - Drinking set (6) - ˜Murano˜ (6) $the best gift money can buy$ - Murano glass

Hand crafted accessories. A wonderful set of six Murano glasses. the most beautiful gift money can buy. With these glasses the table becomes tailor-made. Each guest will be able to choose their favourite Murina. Party will be more party with Cabaret. the reaction when you touch the glass will be .. enthusiastic. True masterpieces made in Murano and designed by Mariana Iskra. Our glasses all look alike but each piece is not the same as another, means are unique pieces.Very strong. Dishwasher safe. Buy as a gift : Ribes drinking glasses come in a fantastic and safe package including your custom greetings make them extra to give a gift. Sono stati prodotti con murine e canne e vetro veneziano residuo della lavorazione di vasi piu grandi . questi bicchieri appartengono ad una collezione dedicata a chi preferisce comprare prodotti sostenibili e che impattano in misura minima sull'ecosistema perché utilizzano anche meno gas per la cottura e non emettono fluoruri nella atmosfera #christmasdinner

No. 94314149

ºRibes Atelierº - ∞Maryana Iskra∞ - Drinking set (6) - ˜Murano˜ (6) $the best gift money can buy$ - Murano glass

ºRibes Atelierº - ∞Maryana Iskra∞ - Drinking set (6) - ˜Murano˜ (6) $the best gift money can buy$ - Murano glass

Hand crafted accessories. A wonderful set of six Murano glasses. The most beautiful gift money can buy. With these glasses the table becomes tailor-made. Each guest will be able to choose their favorite Murina. Party will be more party with Cabaret. the reaction when you touch the glass will be .. enthusiastic. True masterpieces made in Murano and designed by Mariana Iskra. Our glasses all look alike but each piece is not the same as another, means they are unique pieces.Very strong. Dishwasher safe. Buy as a gift : Ribes drinking glasses come in a fantastic and safe package including your custom greetings make them extra to give a gift. They were produced with murine and canes and Venetian glass left over from the processing of larger vases. These glasses belong to a collection dedicated to those who prefer to buy sustainable products that have a minimal impact on the ecosystem because they also use less gas for cooking and do not emit fluorides into the atmosphere


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