No. 94298536

High quality! Chenille hand fabric made in Italy - Upholstery fabric  - 670 cm - 140 cm
Final bid
€ 40
2 days ago

High quality! Chenille hand fabric made in Italy - Upholstery fabric - 670 cm - 140 cm

Oggi siamo orgogliosi di potervi offrire questo esclusivo tessuto consistente e robusto dalla mano cinigliata e dalla texture esclusiva di colore azzurro carta di zucchero chiaro. Si tratta di un prodotto adatto agli amanti del minimalismo e che vogliono portare una ventata di colore all'interno dei loro ambienti esclusivi. Tessuto di alta qualità e dal design unico. Ideale per confezionare tutti gli imbottiti di grandi e di piccole dimensioni ( testiere, pouff, giroletti, sedie , poltrone), tovagliato, cuscini , pannelli di vario genere .Adatto anche alla realizzazione di particolari capi d' abbigliamento e esclusivi manufatti(borse portaocchiali , porta cellulari) Nota bene :si tratta di foto professionali, tuttavia il colore del tessuto nelle foto potrebbe essere leggermente diverso dal reale a seconda del dispositivo che utilizzate per visualizzarlo. LAVAGGIO: si consiglia il lavaggio a 30° programma delicato con sapone neutro .Non candeggiare per non rovinare il tessuto. SPEDIZIONE : verrà imballato con cura e spedito con professionalità tramite corriere espresso e codice di tracciamento. Tessuto n° 959 Buona asta !! Tag per la ricerca: #tag: tessuto stoffa tappezzeria arredo interni divano poltrona sedia cuscino pouf tenda tovaglia runner mantovane lino cotone vintage antico boho chic country decó liberty idea regalo raro unico esclusivo interior design fabric upholstery upholstery sofa armchair chair cushion pouf curtain tablecloth runner valances linen cotton vintage antique boho chic country deco liberty gift idea rare unique exclusive tissu tapisserie d'ameublement canapé fauteuil chaise coussin pouf rideau nappe chemin de table valences lin coton idée cadeau exclusif stof bekleding bekleding bank fauteuil stoel kussen poef gordijn tafelkleed loper valances linnen katoen vintage antiek landelijk vrijheid cadeau idee zeldzaam uniek exclusief tkanina obiciowa sofa fotel krzesło poduszka pufa zasłona obrus bieżnik falbany len bawełna antyk pomysł na prezent rzadki wyjątkowy ekskluzywny tecido estofos sofá cadeira almofada pufe cortina toalha de mesa corredor sanefas linho algodão antigo liberdade ideia presente raro único exclusivo ткань обивка диван кресло кресло подушка пуф занавес скатерть бегунок валанс лен хлопок винтаж антикварный бохо шик кантри деко либерти подарок идея редкий уникальный эксклюзивный tela tapicería sillón silla cojín puf mantel cenefas algodón weißer stoff polsterung polsterung sofa sessel kissen pouf vorhang tischdecke läufer leinen baumwolle antik geschenkidee selten einzigartig exklusiv kumaş döşeme döşemelik kanepe koltuk sandalye minder puf perde masa örtüsü runner valances keten pamuk antika boho şık özgürlük hediye fikri nadir benzersiz özel 织物, 布料, 装饰, 室内装饰, 沙发, 扶手椅, 椅子, 靠垫, 蒲团, 窗帘, 台布, 跑马灯, 窗帘, 亚麻布, 棉布, 复古, 古董, 波西米亚风格, 乡村, decó, 自由, 礼品, 稀有, 独特, 独家, 室内设计 ファブリック, 布地, カバー, インテリア, ソファ, アームチェア, 椅子, クッション, プーフ, カーテン, テーブルクロス, ランナー, バランス, リネン, コットン, ヴィンテージ, アンティーク, ボーホーシック, カントリー, デコ, リバティ, ギフトアイディア, レア, ユニーク, 高級, インテリアデザイン tkanina, piatto, tela, stof, pëlhurë, 6.СФ, eleganza, creazioni chic, lusso, qualità ,italy, italia ,intirior design il parça, ehuna, тканіна, slfa, arte, cuscini, idee regalo, interior design, poltrona letto, eleganza francese, brocante chic, orientale, asiatico, nouveau decó liberty, vecchio stile vintage frey canovas, cuscini, tende, biancheria, tkanina, Ft, tkanina, kangas, tissu, kangast, kleding stof, úpaoua, szovet, dukur, tessuto,ファブリック、7、 eclettico brocante chic glamour, pagoda blu Cina Giappone, tende, effetto lino, etnico, fabricae, papanga, tkanina, tecido, tesătură, látka, tyg, тканина, ffabrig, tessuto Tende di design per interni

No. 94298536

High quality! Chenille hand fabric made in Italy - Upholstery fabric  - 670 cm - 140 cm

High quality! Chenille hand fabric made in Italy - Upholstery fabric - 670 cm - 140 cm

Today we are proud to offer you this exclusive, consistent and robust fabric with a chenille feel.
and with an exclusive texture of light sugar paper blue color.
This is a product suitable for lovers of minimalism who want to bring a breath of color into their exclusive environments.
High quality fabric and unique design.

Ideal for making all large and small upholstered furniture (headboards, poufs, bed frames, chairs, armchairs), table linen, cushions, panels of various kinds. Also suitable for making special items of clothing and exclusive products (glasses bags, mobile phone cases)

Please note: these are professional photos, however the color of the fabric in the photos may be slightly different from the actual color depending on the device you use to view it.

We recommend washing at 30° on a delicate programme with neutral soap. Do not bleach to avoid damaging the fabric.

It will be carefully packed and shipped professionally via express courier and tracking code.

Fabric No. 959

Happy bidding!!

Search Tags:
#tag: fabric fabric upholstery interior furnishing sofa armchair chair cushion pouf curtain tablecloth runner valances linen cotton antique vintage boho chic country deco liberty gift idea rare unique exclusive interior design fabric upholstery upholstery sofa armchair chair cushion pouf curtain tablecloth runner valances linen cotton vintage antique boho chic country deco liberty gift idea rare unique exclusive tissu tapisserie d'ameublement canapé fauteuil chaise coussin pouf rideau tassels chemin de table valences lin cotton idée cadeau exclusif stof bekleding bekleding bank fauteuil stoel kussen poef gordijn tafelkleed loper valances linnen katoen vintage antiek landelijk vrijheid cadeau idee zeldzaam uniek exclusief tkanina obiciowa sofa fotel krzesło poduszka pufa zasłona obrus bieżnik falbany len bawełna antyk pomysł na prezent rzadki wyjątkowy ekskluzywny tecido estofos sofa cadeira almofada pufe cortina toalha de mesa corredor sanfas linho algodão antigo liberdade ideia present rare único exclusivo ткань where is the story of the story of the story? бегунок The story of the story of the story of the story The cover of the canvas tapestry sillón silla cojín puf mantel cenefas algodón weißer stuff polsterung polsterung sofa sessel kissen pouf vorhang tischdecke läufer leinen baumwolle antik geschenkidee selten einzigartig exklusiv kumaş döşeme döşemelik kanepe koltuk sandalye minder puf perse masa örtüsü runner valances keten pamuk antika boho şık özgürlük hediye fikri nadir benzersiz özel 织物, 布料, 装饰, 室内装饰, 沙发, 扶手椅, 椅子, 靠垫, 蒲团, 窗帘,台布, 跑马灯, 窗帘, 亚麻布, 棉布, 复古, 古董, 波西米亚风格, 乡村, decó, 自由, 礼品, 稀有,独特, 独家, 室内设计 ファブリック, 布地, カバー, インテリア, ソファ, アームチェア,椅子, クッション, プーフ, カーテン, テーブルクロス, ランナー, バランス, リネン, ,ギフトアイディア, レア, ユニーク, 高級, インテリアデザイン
tkanina, plate, canvas, fabric, fur, 6.СФ, elegance, chic creations, luxury, quality, italy, Italia, interior design
il parça, ehuna, тканіна, slfa, art, cushions, gift ideas, interior design, armchair bed,
French elegance, chic brocante, oriental, asian, nouveau decó liberty, old style vintage frey canovas, cushions, curtains, linen, tkanina, Ft, tkanina, kangas, tissu, kangast, kleding stof, úpaoua,
szovet, dukur, fabric,ファブリック、7、
eclectic brocante chic glamour, blue pagoda China Japan, curtains, linen effect, ethnic, fabricae, papanga,
tkanina, tecido, tesătură, látka, tyg, тканина, ffabrig, fabric Designer curtains for interiors

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