No. 94291076

Cigar box - Japanese Art Deco cigar dispenser with floral inlay and 'Mount Fuiji' decor • 1920s - Wood
Final bid
€ 49
1 day ago

Cigar box - Japanese Art Deco cigar dispenser with floral inlay and 'Mount Fuiji' decor • 1920s - Wood

Interessante Art Deco Japanse sigarendispenser. Fijn ingelegd met allerlei verschillende houtsoorten. Vijf verschillende panelen, gedecoreerd met landschappen met de berg Fuji in de verte en bloemen. Met een geheime lade in de basis, versierd met golven en vogels. In originele vintage staat. Hout is doorde leeftijd het hout wat gaan werken en her en der mist het wat hout. Dat doet verder niets af aan de decoratieve waarde van dit bijzondere object. We verzenden internationaal met een extra veilige track & trace code.

No. 94291076

Cigar box - Japanese Art Deco cigar dispenser with floral inlay and 'Mount Fuiji' decor • 1920s - Wood

Cigar box - Japanese Art Deco cigar dispenser with floral inlay and 'Mount Fuiji' decor • 1920s - Wood

Interesting Art Deco Japanese cigar dispenser.
Finely inlaid with all kinds of different types of wood.
Five different panels, decorated with landscapes with Mount Fuji in the distance and flowers.
With a secret drawer in the base, decorated with waves and birds.

In original vintage condition. The wood has started to work a bit due to age and here and there some wood is missing. That does not detract from the decorative value of this special object.

We ship internationally with an extra secure track & trace code.

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