No. 94255768

Original  Woodblock Print . Oumayagashi . 1857 . Ansei 4 . - Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858) - Japan -  Edo Period (1600-1868)
Final bid
€ 92
1 day ago

Original Woodblock Print . Oumayagashi . 1857 . Ansei 4 . - Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858) - Japan - Edo Period (1600-1868)

Original Woodblock Print . Estampe Japonaise Originale Artists : Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川広重 1797/1858 Titre : Oumayagashi (Oumayagashi) Oumayagashi (Oumayagashi), from the series One Hundred Famous Views of Edo (Meisho Edo hyakkei) Signed : Hiroshige ga 広重画 Publisher: Uoya Eikichi (Japanese) Date : Japon - 1857 (Ansei 4), 12 thmonth Format : 33.7 X 22.5 cm. Etat raisonnable. Taches et qlq signes de vieillissement sans plus .Voir photos Voir Metropolitan Museum of Art: Envoi en recommandé avec accusé de réception , suivi . Colissimo . Assurances expédition & valeurs incluses

No. 94255768

Original  Woodblock Print . Oumayagashi . 1857 . Ansei 4 . - Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858) - Japan -  Edo Period (1600-1868)

Original Woodblock Print . Oumayagashi . 1857 . Ansei 4 . - Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858) - Japan - Edo Period (1600-1868)

Original Woodblock Print . Original Japanese Print

Artists: Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川広重 1797/1858

Title: Oumayagashi (Oumayagashi)

Oumayagashi (Oumayagashi), from the series One Hundred Famous Views of Edo (Meisho Edo hyakkei)

Signed: Hiroshige ga 広重画

Publisher: Uoya Eikichi (Japanese)

Date: Japan - 1857 (Ansei 4), 12 thmonth

Format: 33.7 X 22.5 cm.

Reasonable condition. Stains and some signs of aging, nothing more. See photos

See Metropolitan Museum of Art:

Registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt, tracking. Colissimo. Shipping insurance & values included

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