No. 94249483

No longer available
100% genuine and precious - Fossilised animal - Xinpusaurus - 64 cm - 24 cm
Bidding closed
1 day ago

100% genuine and precious - Fossilised animal - Xinpusaurus - 64 cm - 24 cm

Rare "New Chinese Dragon" - museum collection Scientific name: Xinpusaurus From Guanling, Guizhou, China Late Triassic Dragon size: 58cm It belongs to the class of medium-sized sea dragons, reptiles and Dipsids and can live both on land and on water. A complete skull and body, 90% natural, due to incomplete bones, there are repairs, body parts are processed to make it more natural, the lines are smoother, this slate is very beautiful, especially suitable for collection and research In China, the mining of this fossil mining area is strictly prohibited, so it is basically not circulating in the market at present. Very rare! Such a beautiful and complete marine vertebrate belongs to the museum collection! About shipping: We adopt the safest way of packing, but we can't guarantee that there may be damage during transportation, we ask you to accept that for broken fossils, you can repair them with glue

No. 94249483

No longer available
100% genuine and precious - Fossilised animal - Xinpusaurus - 64 cm - 24 cm

100% genuine and precious - Fossilised animal - Xinpusaurus - 64 cm - 24 cm

Rare "New Chinese Dragon" - museum collection
Scientific name: Xinpusaurus
From Guanling, Guizhou, China
Late Triassic
Dragon size: 58cm

It belongs to the class of medium-sized sea dragons, reptiles and Dipsids and can live both on land and on water.

A complete skull and body, 90% natural, due to incomplete bones, there are repairs, body parts are processed to make it more natural, the lines are smoother, this slate is very beautiful, especially suitable for collection and research

In China, the mining of this fossil mining area is strictly prohibited, so it is basically not circulating in the market at present. Very rare!

Such a beautiful and complete marine vertebrate belongs to the museum collection!

About shipping: We adopt the safest way of packing, but we can't guarantee that there may be damage during transportation, we ask you to accept that for broken fossils, you can repair them with glue

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