No. 94217441

Kay Bojesen  - Action figure Singe - 1990-2000 - Denmark
Final bid
€ 200
6 days ago

Kay Bojesen - Action figure Singe - 1990-2000 - Denmark

Lot de 2 animaux de la célèbre marque Kay Bojesen : Le grand singe mesure 20 cm en position assise,bras tendus,le petit 10 cm dans la même position. Conçu par Kay Bojesen, Wooden Monkey est un classique bien-aimé du style scandinave. Ce singe est fabriqué en teck et en bois de fraké .Le bois exploité légalement est conforme au règlement européen du marché du bois (EUTR). En outre, le teck de plantation garantit une récolte responsable et de meilleures conditions de vie pour les populations locales vivant à proximité.

No. 94217441

Kay Bojesen  - Action figure Singe - 1990-2000 - Denmark

Kay Bojesen - Action figure Singe - 1990-2000 - Denmark

Set of 2 animals from the famous Kay Bojesen brand: The big monkey measures 20 cm in a sitting position, arms outstretched, the small one 10 cm in the same position. Designed by Kay Bojesen, Wooden Monkey is a beloved classic of Scandinavian style. This monkey is made of teak and fraké wood. The legally harvested wood complies with the European Timber Market Regulation (EUTR). In addition, plantation teak guarantees responsible harvesting and better living conditions for local people living nearby.

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