No. 94210751

R.P.F. LUDOVICO GRANATENSI (Louis de Granada) - Memorialis Vitae Christianae Adiunctum I - 1589
Final bid
€ 46
2 days ago

R.P.F. LUDOVICO GRANATENSI (Louis de Granada) - Memorialis Vitae Christianae Adiunctum I - 1589

Ludovicus Granatensis (Louis van Granada) - Memorialis vitae Christianae adiunctum I. Per Michaelem ab Isselt nunc in Latinum ex Italico conuersum. - Coloniae, Geruinum Calenium et haeredes Ioannis Quentelij, 1589 - 14 + 16 + 434 = 464pp. - 19th century leather binding - 8 x 13 x 3 cm. This is Volume 1 of 2, but it is completely stand-alone in terms of subject. The book is about the love for God and the perfection thereof In good condition, binding slightly scuffed, some old notes on flyleaves and title pages, old stamp of the Roermond monastery - text in Latin

No. 94210751

R.P.F. LUDOVICO GRANATENSI (Louis de Granada) - Memorialis Vitae Christianae Adiunctum I - 1589

R.P.F. LUDOVICO GRANATENSI (Louis de Granada) - Memorialis Vitae Christianae Adiunctum I - 1589

Ludovicus Granatensis (Louis van Granada) - Memorialis vitae Christianae adiunctum I. Per Michaelem ab Isselt nunc in Latinum ex Italico conuersum. - Coloniae, Geruinum Calenium et haeredes Ioannis Quentelij, 1589 - 14 + 16 + 434 = 464pp. - 19th century leather binding - 8 x 13 x 3 cm.

This is Volume 1 of 2, but it is completely stand-alone in terms of subject. The book is about the love for God and the perfection thereof

In good condition, binding slightly scuffed, some old notes on flyleaves and title pages, old stamp of the Roermond monastery - text in Latin

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