No. 94192205

Netherlands - Various villages and towns - Postcard (477) - 1900-1960
Final bid
€ 76
6 days ago

Netherlands - Various villages and towns - Postcard (477) - 1900-1960

Mooie verzameling met vele leuke kaarten van Nederland. Zowel gelopen en ongelopen. Enkel kaartje met ouderdomssporen. Alle kaarten zijn gescand. Wordt verzonden binnen NL met track & trace. Buiten Nederland wordt aangetekend verzonden. Indien u meerdere kavels wint van één veiling wordt er altijd gekeken of er gecombineerd verzonden kan worden. We proberen uw kavels gecombineerd te verzenden. Mits dit lukt, ontvangt u na verzending een gedeelte van de verzendkosten retour.

No. 94192205

Netherlands - Various villages and towns - Postcard (477) - 1900-1960

Netherlands - Various villages and towns - Postcard (477) - 1900-1960

Beautiful collection with many nice maps of the Netherlands.
Both run and unrun.
Single card with signs of age.

All cards have been scanned.

Will be shipped within the Netherlands with track & trace.
Outside the Netherlands, registered shipping is provided.

If you win multiple lots from one auction, we will always check whether combined shipping is possible.
We try to send your lots combined. If this works, you will receive a portion of the shipping costs back after shipping.

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