No. 94181942

Wall mirror  - Metal, Wood
Final bid
€ 1
3 days ago

Wall mirror - Metal, Wood

specchiera in legno massello lavorata in metallo da maestro artigiano del ferro battuto completamente realizzata a mano un opera d'arte . la struttura e' in legno massello . misure 62cm. x 42cm. si puo appendere sia verticalmente che orizzontalmente . spedizione tracciabile e ottimo imballaggio .

No. 94181942

Wall mirror  - Metal, Wood

Wall mirror - Metal, Wood

solid wood mirror worked in metal by master wrought iron craftsman

completely hand made a work of art.

the structure is made of solid wood.

measures 62cm. x 42cm.

It can be hung both vertically and horizontally.

tracked shipping and excellent packaging.

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