No. 94120949

Gongas (XX-XXI) - Upraising
Final bid
€ 114
10 h ago

Gongas (XX-XXI) - Upraising

The artist gives us new special collection painted by GONGAS, son of great Graffiti Artist NOMEN. COLLECTOR'S ITEM!" - With certificate of authenticity - Original Graffiti artwork made spray cans, mixed media and a secret love element on cotton. - Sent in a tube. - FAST and safe shipping by DHL EXPRESS - Duties and taxes for countries already paid so no unpleasant surprises by the customs - Genuine article edition GONGAS - Gonçalo Reis aka “Gongas” is a young graffiti artist from Lisbon, Portugal. He is son of the iconic Graffiti artist Nomen. Throughout his life he was surrounded by street art, largely influenced by his father. In Portugal he always lived with the main references of Graffiti, such as Nomen, Utopia, Youth, RAM and Exas. The work as its own textures, drips, pulverized effects, so that can be special and unique each time is made. Each painting is hand signed on the front and back along with the date by the artist. Creating artistic and unic pieces of art is the true purpose of Gongas, so buy purchasing one of his products you will be assured that special place in your house will have an unique highlight, as each piece is distinct. Instagram: gsusartt #freshtalents

No. 94120949

Gongas (XX-XXI) - Upraising

Gongas (XX-XXI) - Upraising

The artist gives us new special collection painted by GONGAS, son of great Graffiti Artist NOMEN.

- With certificate of authenticity
- Original Graffiti artwork made spray cans, mixed media and a secret love element on cotton.
- Sent in a tube.
- FAST and safe shipping by DHL EXPRESS
- Duties and taxes for countries already paid so no unpleasant surprises by the customs
- Genuine article edition

Gonçalo Reis aka “Gongas” is a young graffiti artist from Lisbon, Portugal. He is son of the iconic Graffiti artist Nomen.
Throughout his life he was surrounded by street art, largely influenced by his father.
In Portugal he always lived with the main references of Graffiti, such as Nomen, Utopia, Youth, RAM and Exas.
The work as its own textures, drips, pulverized effects, so that can be special and unique each time is made.
Each painting is hand signed on the front and back along with the date by the artist.

Creating artistic and unic pieces of art is the true purpose of Gongas, so buy purchasing one of his products you will be assured that special place in your house will have an unique highlight, as each piece is distinct.

Instagram: gsusartt


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