No. 94067428

No longer available
Bburago 1:24 - Model car  (7) - Ferrari   512BB  GTO 348 250GTO
Bidding closed
5 h ago

Bburago 1:24 - Model car (7) - Ferrari 512BB GTO 348 250GTO

lot de 7modèles Burago Métal kit 1/24 très rare introuvable touts les véhicules sont montés reste sticker a coller sur certains modéles poids du colis : environ 6 kg

No. 94067428

No longer available
Bburago 1:24 - Model car  (7) - Ferrari   512BB  GTO 348 250GTO

Bburago 1:24 - Model car (7) - Ferrari 512BB GTO 348 250GTO

lot of 7 models Burago Metal kit 1/24
very rare not found

all vehicles are assembled

sticker remains to be stuck on certain models

Package weight: about 6 kg

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