No. 94063748

Chris van Dijk (1952) - Impressionist " Femme lisant dans la Rosarai  "
Final bid
€ 440
12 h ago

Chris van Dijk (1952) - Impressionist " Femme lisant dans la Rosarai "

Chris van Dijk paints in a style influenced by the old Impressionists. Internationally Chris is one of the most renowned Dutch / French Impressionist painters in the world. You will find his unique paintings in Art Collections worldwide. Exhibitions of his work are rare because most of his work is sold instantly. Since 2005 he has had to decline all invitations to exhibit. Registered artist at the National Service for Art History in the Netherlands (RKD) and an elected member of the Quia International Guild of Artists. (Italy) Professional artist Chris van Dijk - 1952 - is born in Den Bosch ( Bois le Duc ), The Netherlands ( Pays Bas ). Chris has devoted his life to creating his paintings, which, true to their Impressionist inspiration, focus on Plein air scenes: Gardens, at the beach, river scenes, and many more. He has been living and working in France since 2002. His wife Ankie van Dijk-Mooiman is managing their website 'Gallery France' and keeps the permanent online exhibition updated for the impressionist paintings of Chris van Dijk and for her own Art Deco antique online sales exhibition. A painting made by Chris van Dijk is a valuable asset and art experts expect that his paintings will become priceless in the future given his technique, color, and his fantastic and sought-after subjects. Claudia Moscovici. (Author of his biography is one of the most famous art critics in the world (Check it out on the 'Ranker' website). Thank you for your interest in the paintings of Chris van Dijk. Oil on canvas on panel. Delivered without a framework. We may be able to advise you on picture frames (see our website). The painting will be carefully packed and sent by a trackable courier

No. 94063748

Chris van Dijk (1952) - Impressionist " Femme lisant dans la Rosarai  "

Chris van Dijk (1952) - Impressionist " Femme lisant dans la Rosarai "

Chris van Dijk paints in a style influenced by the old Impressionists.
Internationally Chris is one of the most renowned Dutch / French Impressionist painters in the world. You will find his unique paintings in Art Collections worldwide. Exhibitions of his work are rare because most of his work is sold instantly. Since 2005 he has had to decline all invitations to exhibit.

Registered artist at the National Service for Art History in the Netherlands (RKD) and an elected member of the Quia International Guild of Artists. (Italy)

Professional artist Chris van Dijk - 1952 - is born in Den Bosch ( Bois le Duc ), The Netherlands ( Pays Bas ).

Chris has devoted his life to creating his paintings, which, true to their Impressionist inspiration, focus on Plein air scenes: Gardens, at the beach, river scenes, and many more. He has been living and working in France since 2002.
His wife Ankie van Dijk-Mooiman is managing their website 'Gallery France' and keeps the permanent online exhibition updated for the impressionist paintings of Chris van Dijk and for her own Art Deco antique online sales exhibition.

A painting made by Chris van Dijk is a valuable asset and art experts expect that his paintings will become priceless in the future given his technique, color, and his fantastic and sought-after subjects.

Claudia Moscovici. (Author of his biography is one of the most famous art critics in the world (Check it out on the 'Ranker' website).

Thank you for your interest in the paintings of Chris van Dijk.

Oil on canvas on panel.
Delivered without a framework. We may be able to advise you on picture frames (see our website).
The painting will be carefully packed and sent by a trackable courier

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