No. 94054304

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Spain. Carlos IV. 8 Reales 1808 / Potosí PJ
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10 h ago

Spain. Carlos IV. 8 Reales 1808 / Potosí PJ

ESPAÑA. Potosí (Bolivia). 8 Reales. 1808. Carlos IV (1788-1808) - Valor: 8 Reales. - Año: 1808. - Ceca: Potosí. - Reinado: Carlos IV (1788-1808). - Inscripciones: Anverso: CAROLUS IIII DEI GRATIA rodeando el busto del rey Carlos IV, mirando a la derecha. Reverso: HISPAN ET IND REX rodeando el escudo de armas de España, con las columnas de Hércules a los lados y el lema "PLVS VLTRA". En la parte inferior del reverso se puede observar la marca de la ceca de Potosí ("P", "T") y la fecha 1808. - Calificación: EBC (excelente estado de conservación). Esta moneda de 8 reales, acuñada en la famosa ceca de Potosí (una de las más importantes del Imperio Español debido a sus ricas minas de plata), fue crucial en el comercio internacional. Las monedas de Potosí fueron tan influyentes que circularon en todo el mundo y ayudaron a establecer un sistema monetario global durante la época colonial. Además, muchas monedas de Potosí fueron falsificadas en distintas regiones, lo que obligó a implementar nuevas medidas de seguridad en las acuñaciones futuras. Disclaimer: For orders shipped outside the European Union, I want to leave absolutely clear that I do ship from Spain, which means that if the package is sent to any country outside the European Union, and/or inside EU that has special tax agreement (example: Canary Islands), it might be stopped in your local customs and they might ask you to pay taxes. This is a customs legal procedure and it is completely out of our control. Thanks for your understanding.

No. 94054304

No longer available
Spain. Carlos IV. 8 Reales 1808 / Potosí PJ

Spain. Carlos IV. 8 Reales 1808 / Potosí PJ

SPAIN. Potosí (Bolivia). 8 Reales. 1808. Charles IV (1788-1808)

- Value: 8 Reales.
- Year: 1808.
- Mint: Potosí.
- Reign: Charles IV (1788-1808).
- Inscriptions: Obverse: CAROLUS IIII DEI GRATIA surrounding the bust of King Charles IV, facing right. Reverse: HISPAN ET IND REX surrounding the coat of arms of Spain, with the Pillars of Hercules on either side and the motto "PLVS VLTRA". At the bottom of the reverse you can see the mark of the Potosí mint ("P", "T") and the date 1808.
- Rating: EBC (excellent state of preservation).

This 8-real coin, minted at the famous Potosí mint (one of the most important in the Spanish Empire due to its rich silver mines), was crucial in international trade. Potosí coins were so influential that they circulated around the world and helped establish a global monetary system during the colonial era. In addition, many Potosí coins were counterfeited in different regions, which forced the implementation of new security measures in future mintings.

Disclaimer: For orders shipped outside the European Union, I want to leave absolutely clear that I do ship from Spain, which means that if the package is sent to any country outside the European Union, and/or inside EU that has special tax agreement ( example: Canary Islands), it might be stopped in your local customs and they might ask you to pay taxes. This is a customs legal procedure and it is completely out of our control. Thanks for your understanding.

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