No. 94033648

Cats Series: "Kuroneko 黒猫11B" (Black Cat 11B) - Limited edition 40/100 - NO RESERVE! - Norikane Hiroto 乗兼広人 (b 1949) - Japan  (No Reserve Price)
Final bid
€ 181
10 h ago

Cats Series: "Kuroneko 黒猫11B" (Black Cat 11B) - Limited edition 40/100 - NO RESERVE! - Norikane Hiroto 乗兼広人 (b 1949) - Japan (No Reserve Price)

Lovery scene from Norikane’s cats series. An adorable cat on a beautiful lacy effect red floral background. Artist: Hiroto NORIKANE 乗兼広人 (b 1949) Title: "Kuroneko 黒猫 11B" (Black Cat 11B) Limited edition only 100! n.40/100 Hand signed and numbered by the artist with title and red artist seal. The print is in excellent condition. Dimensions: Paper size: 250 x 240 mm Image size: 160 x 145 mm Hiroto Norikane employs etching and aquatint techniques to craft intricately detailed prints. His works are characterized by subdued colors, such as black and white, shades of brown, or a minimalist palette of one or two colors. His artistry reflects the tranquility of the Japanese landscape. He has attempted copperplate print with a wide range of themes, including the "Blowfish Series" "Cat Series" "Fish Series" "Folk House Series" and "Tree Series". In 2024, he had been working on printmaking for 55 years. He says that he is finally beginning to see his own way, and printmaking, like a journey, has no end. Born : 1949. Hiroshima, Japan Education : Sokei Academy of Fine Art and Design; studied under Yoshida Hodaka and Kato Kiyomi Collections : Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco, Portland Museum of Art, Oregon City Museum, USA; Sado Hangamura Museum, Niigata Shipment with tracking we do combine shipments for woodblock prints, please have a look at our weekly proposal of Japanese fine art! Thank you

No. 94033648

Cats Series: "Kuroneko 黒猫11B" (Black Cat 11B) - Limited edition 40/100 - NO RESERVE! - Norikane Hiroto 乗兼広人 (b 1949) - Japan  (No Reserve Price)

Cats Series: "Kuroneko 黒猫11B" (Black Cat 11B) - Limited edition 40/100 - NO RESERVE! - Norikane Hiroto 乗兼広人 (b 1949) - Japan (No Reserve Price)

Lovery scene from Norikane’s cats series.
An adorable cat on a beautiful lacy effect red floral background.

Artist: Hiroto NORIKANE 乗兼広人 (b 1949)
Title: "Kuroneko 黒猫 11B" (Black Cat 11B)
Limited edition only 100! n.40/100
Hand signed and numbered by the artist with title and red artist seal.

The print is in excellent condition.

Paper size: 250 x 240 mm
Image size: 160 x 145 mm

Hiroto Norikane employs etching and aquatint techniques to craft intricately detailed prints. His works are characterized by subdued colors, such as black and white, shades of brown, or a minimalist palette of one or two colors. His artistry reflects the tranquility of the Japanese landscape.

He has attempted copperplate print with a wide range of themes, including the "Blowfish Series" "Cat Series" "Fish Series" "Folk House Series" and "Tree Series". In 2024, he had been working on printmaking for 55 years. He says that he is finally beginning to see his own way, and printmaking, like a journey, has no end.

Born : 1949. Hiroshima, Japan
Education : Sokei Academy of Fine Art and Design; studied under Yoshida Hodaka and Kato Kiyomi
Collections : Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco, Portland Museum of Art, Oregon City Museum, USA; Sado Hangamura Museum, Niigata

Shipment with tracking
we do combine shipments for woodblock prints, please have a look at our weekly proposal of Japanese fine art! Thank you

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