No. 94022520

Kings of Macedonia. Alexander III (336-323 BC).  (No Reserve Price)
Final bid
€ 32
13 h ago

Kings of Macedonia. Alexander III (336-323 BC). (No Reserve Price)

KINGS OF MACEDON. Alexander III, the Great. Western Asia Minor, 336-323 BC. Æ (Bronze, 18.2mm, 5.60g). Obv. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin. Rev. B A, club and thunderbolt below, quiver and bow above. Reference: Price 376; SNG Alpha Bank 782. Alexander III the Great reigned as King of Macedon from 336 to 323 BCE, following the assassination of his father, Philip II. He swiftly consolidated power and launched a campaign against the Persian Empire, achieving decisive victories at Granicus, Issus, and Gaugamela. His conquests extended from Greece to Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, and as far as India, forging one of history’s largest empires. Known for his tactical genius and bold leadership, he also embraced local customs to unify his diverse realm. His sudden death in 323 BCE at Babylon left his empire without a clear successor, leading to the Wars of the Diadochi. His reign marked the beginning of the Hellenistic era, profoundly shaping the ancient world.

No. 94022520

Kings of Macedonia. Alexander III (336-323 BC).  (No Reserve Price)

Kings of Macedonia. Alexander III (336-323 BC). (No Reserve Price)

KINGS OF MACEDON. Alexander III, the Great.
Western Asia Minor, 336-323 BC.
Æ (Bronze, 18.2mm, 5.60g).

Obv. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin.
Rev. B A, club and thunderbolt below, quiver and bow above.

Reference: Price 376; SNG Alpha Bank 782.

Alexander III the Great reigned as King of Macedon from 336 to 323 BCE, following the assassination of his father, Philip II. He swiftly consolidated power and launched a campaign against the Persian Empire, achieving decisive victories at Granicus, Issus, and Gaugamela. His conquests extended from Greece to Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, and as far as India, forging one of history’s largest empires. Known for his tactical genius and bold leadership, he also embraced local customs to unify his diverse realm. His sudden death in 323 BCE at Babylon left his empire without a clear successor, leading to the Wars of the Diadochi. His reign marked the beginning of the Hellenistic era, profoundly shaping the ancient world.

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