No. 94018840

China, Tibet (Qing Chinese authority) 10 Srang BE16-25 (1951), minted for military payment, (Y-30, LM-661) cleaned  (No Reserve Price)
Final bid
€ 80
6 h ago

China, Tibet (Qing Chinese authority) 10 Srang BE16-25 (1951), minted for military payment, (Y-30, LM-661) cleaned (No Reserve Price)

Tibetan Government, Anonymous, 10-Srang, Trabshi mint, T.E.16-25 (1951), snow lion facing left in centre with mount Kailash behind with 2 sun's above, ornaments and two tufts of grass below, surrounded by a circle to which eight lotus-petal panels are attached, each containing one syllable of the legend dga' ldan pho brang phyo(gs) las rnam rgyal (""the Ganden Palace, victorious in all directions""), rev. a pair of Mongoose facing a banner of victory over disharmony, the year and denomination above in two lines Actual dimensions: diameter: 32,4 mm, weigth: 16,4 gram. Please take a good look at the photos, they are part of the description. They provide a clear picture of the quality and condition of the product and they fill in any gaps in the text or correct any errors and are decisive for the description of the product. ID: 2919

No. 94018840

China, Tibet (Qing Chinese authority) 10 Srang BE16-25 (1951), minted for military payment, (Y-30, LM-661) cleaned  (No Reserve Price)

China, Tibet (Qing Chinese authority) 10 Srang BE16-25 (1951), minted for military payment, (Y-30, LM-661) cleaned (No Reserve Price)

Tibetan Government, Anonymous, 10-Srang, Trabshi mint, T.E.16-25 (1951), snow lion facing left in centre with mount Kailash behind with 2 sun's above, ornaments and two tufts of grass below, surrounded by a circle to which eight lotus-petal panels are attached, each containing one syllable of the legend dga' ldan pho brang phyo(gs) las rnam rgyal (""the Ganden Palace, victorious in all directions""), rev. a pair of Mongoose facing a banner of victory over disharmony, the year and denomination above in two lines

Actual dimensions:
diameter: 32,4 mm,
weigth: 16,4 gram.

Please take a good look at the photos, they are part of the description.
They provide a clear picture of the quality and condition of the product and they fill in any gaps in the text or correct any errors and are decisive for the description of the product.
ID: 2919

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