No. 93982281

Corkscrew (10) -  Antique and old (10) corkscrews from collection - Bronze, Copper, Plastic, Steel, Wood, stainless steel, nickel plated
Final bid
€ 24
10 h ago

Corkscrew (10) - Antique and old (10) corkscrews from collection - Bronze, Copper, Plastic, Steel, Wood, stainless steel, nickel plated

Grote verzameling (van 10 ) oude en antieke kurkentrekkers van begin tot einde 20°eeuw Zakmodel Houten T model Hefboomsysteem Allen met rechte spiraal en scherpe punt. Komen uit collectie en zijn in goede staat gezien de leeftijd en gebruik met kleine tekenen van ouderdom en vlekjes Verzamelvoorwerpen, maar ook klaar voor gebruik ! Dit artikel wordt professioneel verpakt en verzonden vanuit België Verzending binnen België, Nederland, Spanje, Portugal, Italie, Oostenrijk, Duitsland, Polen, Frankrijk en Luxemburg enkel met afhaalpunt Mondial Relay. USA met UPS. Andere landen mogelijks met UPS Andere landen zie verder. Kurkentrekker kurkentrekkers Tire bouchon Sacacorchos Cavatappi Corkscrew Korkenzieher Sacacorcos Cavatappi Champagne Korkenzieher tire-bouchon corkscrew cork screw corkscrews wine opener bottle opener cap lifter kurketrekker sacacorchos cork puller bottlescrue bottle stopper korkociag korkskruv sacador de rolha tirbuson proptraekker vinipullonavaaja

No. 93982281

Corkscrew (10) -  Antique and old (10) corkscrews from collection - Bronze, Copper, Plastic, Steel, Wood, stainless steel, nickel plated

Corkscrew (10) - Antique and old (10) corkscrews from collection - Bronze, Copper, Plastic, Steel, Wood, stainless steel, nickel plated

Large collection (of 10) of old and antique corkscrews from the beginning to the end of the 20th century

Pocket model
Wooden T model
Lever system

All with straight spiral and sharp point.

Come from a collection and are in good condition considering their age and use with small signs of age and stains

Collectibles, but also ready to use!

This item is professionally packaged and shipped from Belgium

Shipping within Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Austria, Germany, Poland, France and Luxembourg only with Mondial Relay collection point.
USA with UPS.
Other countries possibly with UPS
For other countries see further.

Corkscrew corkscrews Tire bouchon Sacacorchos Cavatappi Corkscrew Korkenzieher Sacacorcos Cavatappi Champagne Korkenzieher tire-bouchon corkscrew cork screw corkscrews wine opener bottle opener cap lifter corkscrew sacacorchos cork puller bottlescrue bottle stopper korkociag korkskruv sacador de rolha tirbuson proptraekker vinipullonavaaja

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