No. 93976674

Calado Jorge - Ingenuity,  Photography and engineering 1846-2006 - 2007
Final bid
€ 2
6 h ago

Calado Jorge - Ingenuity, Photography and engineering 1846-2006 - 2007

NGENUITY. Photography and engineering 1846-2006 / Coordenação de Jorge Calado, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2007, 646 p., il.; 29,5 cm. Catálogo de exposição de fotografia profusamente ilustrado. Encadernação editorial. Sinais de manuseamento. Excelente estado. Profusely illustrated photography exhibition catalogue. Editorial binding. Signs of handling. Very fine condition. Catalogue d'exposition de photographie abondamment illustré. Reliure éditoriale. Excellent état. Description Jorge Calado Ingenuity: Photography and Engineering 1846-2006. English edition. This spectacular book of photographs, published to accompany the recent exhibition at the Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon, illustrates the diversity of mans technical and industrial inventiveness. Hundreds of photographs are arranged around the theme of the forces of nature and mans endeavours to tame and utilize those forces. Examining different types of engineering from the perspective of their roots in one of the four elements earth, water, air and fire this stunning collection is a testament to both the overpowering force of nature and mankinds intelligence and ingenuity.

No. 93976674

Calado Jorge - Ingenuity,  Photography and engineering 1846-2006 - 2007

Calado Jorge - Ingenuity, Photography and engineering 1846-2006 - 2007

NGENUITY. Photography and engineering 1846-2006 / Coordenação de Jorge Calado, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2007, 646 p., il.; 29,5 cm.

Catálogo de exposição de fotografia profusamente ilustrado.
Encadernação editorial. Sinais de manuseamento. Excelente estado.

Profusely illustrated photography exhibition catalogue.
Editorial binding. Signs of handling. Very fine condition.

Catalogue d'exposition de photographie abondamment illustré.
Reliure éditoriale. Excellent état.


Jorge Calado
Ingenuity: Photography and Engineering 1846-2006. English edition.

This spectacular book of photographs, published to accompany the recent exhibition at the Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon, illustrates the diversity of mans technical and industrial inventiveness. Hundreds of photographs are arranged around the theme of the forces of nature and mans endeavours to tame and utilize those forces. Examining different types of engineering from the perspective of their roots in one of the four elements earth, water, air and fire this stunning collection is a testament to both the overpowering force of nature and mankinds intelligence and ingenuity.

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