No. 93975730

No longer available
Set of 8 Press Photos - Russian House - Tough Guys - Young Einstein - One of our Dinosaurs is - Sean Connery - Krik Douglas - Warren Beatty
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9 h ago

Set of 8 Press Photos - Russian House - Tough Guys - Young Einstein - One of our Dinosaurs is - Sean Connery - Krik Douglas - Warren Beatty

This back-and-white set of press photos from large collection used in Sweden. A press photo is a photograph taken specifically for use in news media, such as newspapers, magazines, or online publications. These images are often captured by professional photojournalists to document current events, people, or significant moments. Press photos must adhere to ethical journalism standards, ensuring accuracy and authenticity without manipulation or misrepresentation. They play a crucial role in storytelling, providing visual context to news articles and helping audiences connect with the subject matter. Many press photos are distributed by agencies such as Reuters, AP, or Getty Images to news outlets worldwide. Iconic press photos have historically shaped public opinion and awareness on major global issues.. Medium Gelatin-silver print Size 18 cm x 13 cm Date 1950-90 Condition This work is in good overall condition, with minor surface wear and imperfections possibly present. Please review the images carefully for condition details, and feel free to contact us with any questions or for a comprehensive condition report.

No. 93975730

No longer available
Set of 8 Press Photos - Russian House - Tough Guys - Young Einstein - One of our Dinosaurs is - Sean Connery - Krik Douglas - Warren Beatty

Set of 8 Press Photos - Russian House - Tough Guys - Young Einstein - One of our Dinosaurs is - Sean Connery - Krik Douglas - Warren Beatty

This back-and-white set of press photos from large collection used in Sweden. A press photo is a photograph taken specifically for use in news media, such as newspapers, magazines, or online publications. These images are often captured by professional photojournalists to document current events, people, or significant moments. Press photos must adhere to ethical journalism standards, ensuring accuracy and authenticity without manipulation or misrepresentation. They play a crucial role in storytelling, providing visual context to news articles and helping audiences connect with the subject matter. Many press photos are distributed by agencies such as Reuters, AP, or Getty Images to news outlets worldwide. Iconic press photos have historically shaped public opinion and awareness on major global issues..

Gelatin-silver print

18 cm x 13 cm


This work is in good overall condition, with minor surface wear and imperfections possibly present. Please review the images carefully for condition details, and feel free to contact us with any questions or for a comprehensive condition report.

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