No. 93952776

Aquamarine (happiness, youth & vitality) - VERY RARE - top quality - 925 silver gold plated - Necklace
Final bid
€ 69
1 h ago

Aquamarine (happiness, youth & vitality) - VERY RARE - top quality - 925 silver gold plated - Necklace

Ofrezco en subasta un collar exclusivo con grandes cuentas de aguamarina natural facetadas de primera calidad; el cierre es de plata 925 bañada en oro. El collar ha sido hilado profesionalmente a mano con nudos en cada cuenta con hilo de calidad mezcla de seda y algodon. Material: Aguamarina natural - calidad alta joyeria - AAAA+ Forma: Ovoide facetado - RARISIMAS Color. Azul claro - BELLISIMO! Tamaño cuentas: 18 a 13 mm - GRANDES! Largo del collar: 45 cm Cierre de plata 925 bañada en oro - marcado "925" - grande y solido Collar hilado a mano profesionalmente con nudos en cada cuenta de aguamarina Caja de regalo y bolsa protectora Las fotos son parte de la descripción El busto expositor mide 22 cm de circunferencia (no se subasta) La piedra aguamarina es sinónimo de felicidad, juventud, vitalidad y espiritualidad. Dicen que reduce el estrés, purifica las energías circundantes, calma la mente, despierta estados elevados de conciencia y da una sensación de paz interior muy profunda.

No. 93952776

Aquamarine (happiness, youth & vitality) - VERY RARE - top quality - 925 silver gold plated - Necklace

Aquamarine (happiness, youth & vitality) - VERY RARE - top quality - 925 silver gold plated - Necklace

I am offering for auction an exclusive necklace with large, top-quality, faceted natural aquamarine beads; the clasp is made of gold-plated 925 silver.

The necklace has been professionally hand spun with knots on each bead using quality silk and cotton blend thread.

Material: Natural aquamarine - high jewelry quality - AAAA+
Shape: Faceted ovoid - VERY RARE
Color: Light blue - BEAUTIFUL!
Bead size: 18 to 13 mm - LARGE!
Necklace length: 45 cm
Gold plated 925 silver clasp - marked "925" - large and solid
Professionally hand woven necklace with knots on each aquamarine bead
Gift box and protective bag
Photos are part of the description
The display bust measures 22 cm in circumference (not for auction)

The aquamarine stone is synonymous with happiness, youth, vitality and spirituality. It is said to reduce stress, purify surrounding energies, calm the mind, awaken elevated states of consciousness and give a feeling of very deep inner peace.

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