No. 93948189

No longer available
Shan Buddha - Burma - 40.5 cms/6.8 kg - Myanmar
Bidding closed
11 h ago

Shan Buddha - Burma - 40.5 cms/6.8 kg - Myanmar

DESCRIPTION Splendide et grande statue en bronze représentant le bouddha shakyamuni assis en vajrasana, la main droite en bhumisparsha mudra, prenant la terre à témoin, la droite reposant sur son talon, portant le samghati, l'expression sereine et douce, les yeux mi-clos en amande, les lobes allongés, en méditation. Communément appelé par les occidentaux "Shan" depuis la colonisation britannique, le groupe ethnique originaire du sud-ouest de la Chine qui y correspond est connu sous le nom de Tai Yai et est reconnu depuis des siècles pour l'habileté de ses artisans. Hauteur: 40,5 cms. Largeur: 24,5 cms. Poids: 6,848 kgs Birmanie, milieu/fin 19ème, provient d'une collection belge. ETAT La statue est en très bel état, jolie patine sombre, trace de dorure. Sera emballé avec le plus grand soin, envoi assuré et traçable.

No. 93948189

No longer available
Shan Buddha - Burma - 40.5 cms/6.8 kg - Myanmar

Shan Buddha - Burma - 40.5 cms/6.8 kg - Myanmar


Splendid and large bronze statue representing the Buddha Shakyamuni seated in Vajrasana, his right hand in Bhumisparsha mudra, taking the earth as witness, his right resting on his heel, wearing the Samghati, his expression serene and gentle, his eyes half-closed in an almond shape, his earlobes elongated, in meditation.

Commonly referred to by Westerners as "Shan" since British colonization, the corresponding ethnic group from southwest China is known as the Tai Yai and has been renowned for centuries for the skill of its artisans.

Height: 40.5 cms. Width: 24.5 cms. Weight: 6.848 kgs

Burma, mid/late 19th century, from a Belgian collection.


The statue is in very good condition, nice dark patina, traces of gilding.

Will be packed with the greatest care, insured and traceable shipping.

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