No. 93914657

Ellsworth Kelly - Red Yellow Blue - Lithographic Print
Final bid
€ 165
2 days ago

Ellsworth Kelly - Red Yellow Blue - Lithographic Print

Impresión litográfica del artista estadounidense Ellsworth Kelly (*) Editada con motivo de la exposición especial de Kelly "Les Ateliers de La Modernite", en la Fundación Maeght en París, Francia (3 de julio - 5 de noviembre de 2005). Reproduce el óleo sobre lienzo de 1963 con el mismo título, "Rojo, Amarillo, Azul". Impreso por la Fundación Maeght bajo la supervisión de Ellsworth Kelly. Edición de lujo sobre papel grueso de algodón. Sello de la editora en el reverso. Gran formato. Especificaciones: Dimensiones: 85 x 65 cm Año: 2005 Estado: Excelente (esta obra nunca ha sido enmarcada ni expuesta, y siempre conservada en carpeta profesional de arte, por lo que se conserva en perfecto estado). Procedencia: Colección Particular. La obra será cuidadosamente manipulada y empaquetada en paquete de cartón reforzado. El envío será certificado con número de seguimiento y seguro de transporte por el valor final de la obra con reembolso completo en caso de pérdida o daño, sin coste para el comprador. (*) Ellsworth Kelly, escultor y pintor abstracto, ha sido uno de los artistas con mayor influencia en el siglo XX y uno de los máximos exponentes del Hard Edge, –movimiento pictórico centrado en la creación de pintura abstracta con transiciones abruptas entre áreas de colores. Gracias a sus experimentos cromáticos, Ellsworth Kelly nos ha dejado una extensa obra en la que la pintura geométrica vibra y toma fuerza gracias a colores brillantes e intensos sobre fondos neutros, contornos afilados, paneles irregulares en tres dimensiones e incluso multi-paneles. «Me di cuenta de que no quería componer imágenes sino encontrarlas», Ellsworth Kelly. Kelly nació en 1923 en Newburgh, New York. Cursó sus estudios de arte en el Prat Institute. En 1943, llega a Europa tras ser reclutado por el ejército de los Estados Unidos. Su estancia duró seis años y París fue la ciudad que más influyó en su formación como artista. Tras su vuelta a los Estados Unidos, estudió pintura en Boston, en la escuela del Museo de Bellas Artes. Allí decidió hacer algo diferente a lo que se impartía en ese momento. Descubrió a Kandinsky y se enamoró del color y las formas geométricas. La investigación sobre la percepción atrajo mucho el interés de Kelly y sus experimentaciones dieron como fruto obras en las que desafía el espacio tal y como el espectador estaba acostumbrado. Aunque no se adhirió a ningún movimiento artístico, a la obra de Kelly se le atribuyen influencias del Minimalismo, del Pop Art, del Color field y sobre todo del Hard Edge. Su obra ha sido expuesta en el Museum of Modern Art, en el Whitney Museum of American Art, y en el Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum en Nueva York. Su trabajo también forma parte de diversas colecciones públicas incluyendo las del Centre Pompidou de París, el Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía de Madrid, y el Tate Modern de Londres. . Tags: Aalto, Abrahmovic, Abramović, Adami, Addamiano, Ai Weiwei, Ai-Da, Akerman, Albacete, Alberti, Alcaraz, Alfaro, Alighiero Boetti, Alÿs, Andy Warhol, ARCO, Armani, Art, Artbook, Arte, Artwork, Audemars Piguet, Avia, Baccarat, Bacon, Baj, Balance, Baldaccini, Baldessari, Balenciaga, Banksy, Barbour, Barceló, Barjola, Basaldella, Basel, Basquiat, Beazley, Beckmann, Bedia, Bellmer, Benigni, Berni, Berruti, Bertoia, Beuys, Biala, Blasco, Blu, Blek le Rat, Blu, Boccioni, Boetti, Bonalumi, Borgianni, Botero, Bourgeois, Braque, Breuer, Brioni, Burberry, Burchfield, Burri, Bvlgari., Calder, Canogar, Canvas, Capucci, Carrington, Cartier, Casorati, Castellani, Cattelan, Ceccotti, Cézanne, Chagall, Chanel, Charles Eames, Chillida, Chirico, Chirino, Chuck Close, Clavé, Clemente, Clorindo, Color, Composition, Conceptual, Condé, Constantin, Contrast, Critique, Cruz-Díez, Cucinelli, Cuoghi, Dalí, Delaunay, Kiefer, Delvaux, Detto, Digital, Dior, Documenta, Doig, Dolce & Gabbana, Dorothea Tanning, Dubuffet, Duchamp, Dunhill, Eames, Edward Hopper, Eileen Gray, El Anatsui, El Greco, Equipo Crónica, Ernst, Escif, Exhibition, FAILE, Fairey, Faith Ringgold, Fanzhi, Fear of God, Feito, Fendi, Ferragamo, Ferri, Fintan Magee, Fontana, Freud, Frida Kahlo, Gallery, Gary Hume, Gêmeos, Genovés, Giacometti, Giacomo Balla, Giclée, Gio Ponti, Giorgio de Chirico, Giotto, Givenchy, González-Torres, Gordilo, Goya, Gucci, Erro, Guinovart, Guttuso, Hackett, Hélio Oiticica, Hermès, Hernández Pijuan, Hirschhorn, Hockney, Hodgkin, Holzer, Hooper, Hublot, Hush, Iglesias, Illustration, Installation, Invader, Irarrázabal, Issey Miyake, Jacobsen, Jaeger, Jasper Johns, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Joan Miró, Judd, Juhl, Kader Attia, Kandinsky, KAWS, Keith Haring, Kenzo, Key Sage, Kiefer, Kippenberger, Kiton, Kléber, Klee, Klein, Klimt, Knoll, Kooning, Koons, Kruger, Kusama, Lacalle, Laffón, Lalique, Lauren, Layout, Le Corbusier, Lempicka, LeWitt, Louis Vuitton, Lucian Freud, Maar, Magistretti, Magistretti. Louis Vuitton, Macke, Magritte, Malevich, Malinowski, Man Ray, Manzoni, Mara, Marcel Duchamp, Marini, Mark Rothko, Marshall, Marvel, Masson, Matisse, McCampbell, McQueen, Mendieta, Miami, Mies Van der Rohe, Mimmo Paladino, Modigliani, Mogensen, Mompó, Mondrian, Moore, Morandi, Murakami, Nauman, Nelson, NOAH, Noguchi, Nychos, O’Keefe, Obey, Oehlen, Off-White, Oppenheim, Orozco, Oscar de la Renta, Otto Dix, Pablo Picasso, Palazuelo, Palette, Panerai, Pantone, Patek Philippe, Pejac, Pérez-Villalta, Perriand, Pesce, Peyton, Picabia, Piene, Piet Mondrian, Pistoletto, Playmobil, Plensa, Pokémon, Polke, Pollock, Poolsen, Prada, Printmaking, Quetglas, Rachael Whiteread, Rafols-Casamada, Redondela, Rembrandt, Reproduction, Richter, Rimowa, Rivers, ROA, Roberto Matta, Rockwell, Rodin, Rolex, Rone, Rothko, Roy Liechtenstein, Rubins, Ruff, Ruscha, Saatchi, Saint Laurent, Saint Phalle, Salcedo, Salvador Dalí, Saura, Saville, Savinio, Schaffhausen, Schütte, Scully, Serra, Shafak, Sherman, Sicilia, Signed, Silkscreen, Slinkachu, Soto, Sottsass, Spalletti, Starck, State, Steinbach, Stella, Swoon, Tabaimo, TAG Heuer, Takashi Murakami, Tàpies, Taryn, Teixidor, Testa, Texture, Thomas & Elmo, Tiffany, Tobey, Tumi, Tuymans, Typography, Uecker, Uffizi, Úrculo, Urquiola, Uslé, Vacheron, Valdés, Valentino, Van Cleef & Arpels, Van Gogh, Varela, Varo, Vasarely, Vedova, Versace, Versus, Versace, Vihls, Vitra, VTech, Ward, Wegner, Weitzman, Weston, Wolfgang Tillmans, Woodcut, Xiaodong, Yayoi Kusama, Yturralde, Yves Saint Laurent, Zhang Xiaogang.

No. 93914657

Ellsworth Kelly - Red Yellow Blue - Lithographic Print

Ellsworth Kelly - Red Yellow Blue - Lithographic Print

Lithographic print by American artist Ellsworth Kelly (*)
Edited on the occasion of Kelly's special exhibition "Les Ateliers de La Modernite", at the Maeght Foundation in Paris, France (3 July - 5 November 2005).
It reproduces the 1963 oil on canvas with the same title, "Red, Yellow, Blue."
Printed by the Maeght Foundation under the supervision of Ellsworth Kelly.
Deluxe edition on thick cotton paper.
Publisher's stamp on the back.
Large format.


Dimensions: 85 x 65 cm
Year: 2005
Condition: Excellent (this work has never been framed or displayed, and has always been kept in a professional art folder, so it is in perfect condition).
Provenance: Private Collection.

The artwork will be carefully handled and packaged in a reinforced cardboard package. Shipping will be certified with tracking number and transport insurance for the final value of the artwork with full refund in case of loss or damage, at no cost to the buyer.

(*) Ellsworth Kelly, sculptor and abstract painter, has been one of the most influential artists of the 20th century and one of the greatest exponents of Hard Edge, – a pictorial movement focused on the creation of abstract paintings with abrupt transitions between areas of color.
Thanks to his chromatic experiments, Ellsworth Kelly has left us an extensive body of work in which geometric painting vibrates and gains strength thanks to bright and intense colours on neutral backgrounds, sharp contours, irregular three-dimensional panels and even multi-panels.
"I realized that I didn't want to compose images but to find them," Ellsworth Kelly.
Kelly was born in 1923 in Newburgh, New York. He studied art at the Prat Institute. In 1943, he arrived in Europe after being recruited by the United States Army. His stay lasted six years and Paris was the city that most influenced his development as an artist. After returning to the United States, he studied painting in Boston, at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts. There he decided to do something different from what was being taught at the time. He discovered Kandinsky and fell in love with color and geometric shapes.
Kelly was very interested in research into perception and her experiments resulted in works that challenge space as the viewer was accustomed to it.
Although he did not adhere to any artistic movement, Kelly's work is credited with influences from Minimalism, Pop Art, Color Field and, above all, Hard Edge.
Her work has been exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art, and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York. Her work is also included in various public collections including the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid, and the Tate Modern in London.

Tags: Aalto, Abrahmovic, Abramović, Adami, Addamiano, Ai Weiwei, Ai-Da, Akerman, Albacete, Alberti, Alcaraz, Alfaro, Alighiero Boetti, Alÿs, Andy Warhol, ARCO, Armani, Art, Artbook, Arte, Artwork, Audemars Piguet, Avia, Baccarat, Bacon, Baj, Balance, Baldaccini, Baldessari, Balenciaga, Banksy, Barbour, Barceló, Barjola, Basaldella, Basel, Basquiat, Beazley, Beckmann, Bedia, Bellmer, Benigni, Berni, Berruti, Bertoia, Beuys, Biala, Blasco, Blu, Blek le Rat, Blu, Boccioni, Boetti, Bonalumi, Borgianni, Botero, Bourgeois, Braque, Breuer, Brioni, Burberry, Burchfield, Burri, Bvlgari., Calder, Canogar, Canvas, Capucci, Carrington, Cartier, Casorati, Castellani, Cattelan, Ceccotti, Cézanne, Chagall, Chanel, Charles Eames, Chillida, Chirico, Chirino, Chuck Close, Clavé, Clemente, Clorindo, Color, Composition, Conceptual, Condé, Constantin, Contrast, Critique, Cruz-Díez, Cucinelli, Cuoghi, Dalí, Delaunay, Kiefer, Delvaux, Detto, Digital, Dior, Documenta, Doig, Dolce & Gabbana, Dorothea Tanning, Dubuffet, Duchamp, Dunhill, Eames, Edward Hopper, Eileen Gray, El Anatsui, El Greco, Equipo Crónica, Ernst, Escif, Exhibition, FAILE, Fairey, Faith Ringgold, Fanzhi, Fear of God, Feito, Fendi, Ferragamo, Ferri, Fintan Magee, Fontana, Freud, Frida Kahlo, Gallery, Gary Hume, Gêmeos, Genovés, Giacometti, Giacomo Balla, Giclée, Gio Ponti, Giorgio de Chirico, Giotto, Givenchy, González-Torres, Gordilo, Goya, Gucci, Erro, Guinovart, Guttuso, Hackett, Hélio Oiticica, Hermès, Hernández Pijuan, Hirschhorn, Hockney, Hodgkin, Holzer, Hooper, Hublot, Hush, Iglesias, Illustration, Installation, Invader, Irarrázabal, Issey Miyake, Jacobsen, Jaeger, Jasper Johns, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Joan Miró, Judd, Juhl, Kader Attia, Kandinsky, KAWS, Keith Haring, Kenzo, Key Sage, Kiefer, Kippenberger, Kiton, Kléber, Klee, Klein, Klimt, Knoll, Kooning, Koons, Kruger, Kusama, Lacalle, Laffón, Lalique, Lauren, Layout, Le Corbusier, Lempicka, LeWitt, Louis Vuitton, Lucian Freud, Maar, Magistretti, Magistretti. Louis Vuitton, Macke, Magritte, Malevich, Malinowski, Man Ray, Manzoni, Mara, Marcel Duchamp, Marini, Mark Rothko, Marshall, Marvel, Masson, Matisse, McCampbell, McQueen, Mendieta, Miami, Mies Van der Rohe, Mimmo Paladino, Modigliani, Mogensen, Mompó, Mondrian, Moore, Morandi, Murakami, Nauman, Nelson, NOAH, Noguchi, Nychos, O'Keefe, Obey, Oehlen, Off-White, Oppenheim, Orozco, Oscar de la Renta, Otto Dix, Pablo Picasso, Palazuelo, Palette, Panerai, Pantone, Patek Philippe, Pejac, Pérez-Villalta, Perriand, Pesce, Peyton, Picabia, Piene, Piet Mondrian, Pistoletto, Playmobil, Plensa, Pokémon, Polke, Pollock, Poolsen, Prada, Printmaking, Quetglas, Rachael Whiteread, Rafols-Casamada, Redondela, Rembrandt, Reproduction, Richter, Rimowa, Rivers, ROA, Roberto Matta, Rockwell, Rodin, Rolex, Rone, Rothko, Roy Liechtenstein, Rubins, Ruff, Ruscha, Saatchi, Saint Laurent, Saint Phalle, Salcedo, Salvador Dalí, Saura, Saville, Savinio, Schaffhausen, Schütte, Scully, Serra, Shafak, Sherman, Sicilia, Signed, Silkscreen, Slinkachu, Soto, Sottsass, Spalletti, Starck, State, Steinbach, Stella, Swoon, Tabaimo, TAG Heuer, Takashi Murakami, Tàpies, Taryn, Teixidor, Testa, Texture, Thomas & Elmo, Tiffany, Tobey, Tumi, Tuymans, Typography, Uecker, Uffizi, Urculo, Urquiola, Uslé, Vacheron, Valdés, Valentino, Van Cleef & Arpels, Van Gogh, Varela, Varo, Vasarely, Vedova, Versace, Versus, Versace, Vihls, Vitra, VTech, Ward, Wegner, Weitzman, Weston, Wolfgang Tillmans, Woodcut, Xiaodong, Yayoi Kusama, Yturralde, Yves Saint Laurent, Zhang Xiaogang.

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