No. 93906316

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Ancient Egyptian Sandstone Relief of a Temple with two gods HORUS OF PE. 747 - 525 BC. 59 cm large.
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Ancient Egyptian Sandstone Relief of a Temple with two gods HORUS OF PE. 747 - 525 BC. 59 cm large.

Wall relief of a Temple or Chapel with two gods HORUS OF PE - a very rare god, not easy to found this representation in a private hands or museum objects - Ancient Egypt, 25TH - 26 TH Dynasty, 747 - 525 BC Material: Sandstone. Size: large 59 cm, height 18,5 cm, thickness 7,5 cm, without stand. Provenance: Private collection, Mr. F.C., Barcelona, since 1960. Modern metal stand included. This falcon-headed deity is associated with Buto, the ancient capital of the Nile Delta in Egypt before the unification of Lower and Upper Egypt. Horus of Pe's southern counterpart is the jackal-headed Horus of Nekhen, ancient Hierakonpolis (the modern town of Kawm Al-ahmar). These two gods are known as the 'Souls' of their respective towns. They symbolize the Predynastic rulers of these areas and act as the protective ancestors of the king. The two gods were particularly associated with the coronation and jubilees of the king, in their role as guardians of the divine kingship.The figures are traditionally shown kneeling on one knee, with one arm raised and the other crossing the chest. It is likely that this unusual pose was part of a ritual dance. Condition: Fine condition, original, intact. Notes: The seller guarantees that he acquired this piece according to all national and international laws related to the ownership of cultural property. Provenance statement seen by Catawiki. The seller will take care that any necessary permits, like an export license will be arranged, he will inform the buyer about the status of it if this takes more than a few days. According to Spanish legislation, items sent outside the European Union are subject to export taxes and will be added to the invoice, at the buyer's expense. These export fees are fixed on the final auction price and the tax rate is not applied directly on the total value of the item to be exported, but rather the different percentages by sections are applied to it: - Up to 6,000 euros: 5%. - From 6.001 to 60.000 euros: 10%. This export permit application process can take between 1 months maximum. #ExclusiveCabinetofCuriosities

No. 93906316

No longer available
Ancient Egyptian Sandstone Relief of a Temple with two gods HORUS OF PE. 747 - 525 BC. 59 cm large.

Ancient Egyptian Sandstone Relief of a Temple with two gods HORUS OF PE. 747 - 525 BC. 59 cm large.

Wall relief of a Temple or Chapel

with two gods HORUS OF PE

- a very rare god, not easy to found this representation in a private hands or museum objects -

Ancient Egypt, 25TH - 26 TH Dynasty, 747 - 525 BC

Material: Sandstone.

Size: large 59 cm, height 18,5 cm, thickness 7,5 cm, without stand.

Provenance: Private collection, Mr. F.C., Barcelona, since 1960.

Modern metal stand included.

This falcon-headed deity is associated with Buto, the ancient capital of the Nile Delta in Egypt before the unification of Lower and Upper Egypt. Horus of Pe's southern counterpart is the jackal-headed Horus of Nekhen, ancient Hierakonpolis (the modern town of Kawm Al-ahmar). These two gods are known as the 'Souls' of their respective towns. They symbolize the Predynastic rulers of these areas and act as the protective ancestors of the king. The two gods were particularly associated with the coronation and jubilees of the king, in their role as guardians of the divine kingship.The figures are traditionally shown kneeling on one knee, with one arm raised and the other crossing the chest. It is likely that this unusual pose was part of a ritual dance.

Condition: Fine condition, original, intact.

The seller guarantees that he acquired this piece according to all national and international laws related to the ownership of cultural property. Provenance statement seen by Catawiki.
The seller will take care that any necessary permits, like an export license will be arranged, he will inform the buyer about the status of it if this takes more than a few days.
According to Spanish legislation, items sent outside the European Union are subject to export taxes and will be added to the invoice, at the buyer's expense. These export fees are fixed on the final auction price and the tax rate is not applied directly on the total value of the item to be exported, but rather the different percentages by sections are applied to it:
- Up to 6,000 euros: 5%.
- From 6.001 to 60.000 euros: 10%.
This export permit application process can take between 1 months maximum.

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