No. 93825264

No longer available
Extremely Precious Silver Nacklace - Aquamarine - Labradorite - Larimar - Top Quality Minerals for a - Height: 520 mm - Width: 80 mm- 210 g
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14 h ago

Extremely Precious Silver Nacklace - Aquamarine - Labradorite - Larimar - Top Quality Minerals for a - Height: 520 mm - Width: 80 mm- 210 g

Una stupenda collana composta da 3 fantastici minerali dai toni blu e azzurri. Domina il gioiello un cabochon di Labradorite incastonato in un pendente in argento 925 con fiori intarsiati su tutta la cornice e il retro. La collana è composta da 46 cilindri di purissima e azzurrissima Acquamarina, più altri 4 pezzi lasciati al naturale. Il tutto alternato da ovali in Larimar e elementi in argento. All'altezza del decolletè 6 Labradorite con taglio sfaccettato, e in fine un piccolo cabochon di Labradorite bianca agganciato come piccolo pendente. Lunghezza collana: 540 mm Dimensione pendente: 80 x 17 mm Peso: 210 g Provenienza: Madagascar, Rep. Dominicana, Afghanistan

No. 93825264

No longer available
Extremely Precious Silver Nacklace - Aquamarine - Labradorite - Larimar - Top Quality Minerals for a - Height: 520 mm - Width: 80 mm- 210 g

Extremely Precious Silver Nacklace - Aquamarine - Labradorite - Larimar - Top Quality Minerals for a - Height: 520 mm - Width: 80 mm- 210 g

A stunning necklace made up of 3 fantastic minerals in blue and light blue tones.
The jewel is dominated by a Labradorite cabochon set in a 925 silver pendant with flowers inlaid on the entire frame and back.
The necklace is made up of 46 cylinders of pure, very blue Aquamarine, plus another 4 pieces left natural.
All alternated with ovals in Larimar and silver elements.
At the height of the décolleté 6 Labradorites with faceted cut, and finally a small white Labradorite cabochon attached as a small pendant.

Necklace length: 540 mm
Pendant size: 80 x 17 mm
Weight: 210 g
Origin: Madagascar, Dominican Republic, Afghanistan

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