No. 93381282

VESTER - Stage series "Arlequin" custom decoration MIK + Hardcase -  - Electric guitar - South Korea - 1987
Final bid
€ 219
4 weeks ago

VESTER - Stage series "Arlequin" custom decoration MIK + Hardcase - - Electric guitar - South Korea - 1987

VESTER Heavy Telecaster , décorée à l'époque façon "Arlequin" , dos paint noir. Stage series, fabriquée en Corée du Sud en 1987 VESTER était une manufacture réputée , spécialisée dans les modèles rock/metal , de la fin des années 80s au milieu des années 90s. Ces modèles se font très rares , hormis ma collection (une cinquantaine de modèles). Configuration SSH (2 single type Lipsick et un Humbucker) avec chevalet flottant. 3 switch de selection de micros. Pour écouter le son, rdv sur youtube avec le titre/la recherhce "VESTER AStage series Custom Deco 1980s - Soundtest by AtypicMusic" Traces d'usures peinture et petits coups, mais en bon état compte tenu de son ancienneté. Frettes en bon état. Livrée avec un nouveau coffre , revêtement en nylon. Livraison sécurisée.

No. 93381282

VESTER - Stage series "Arlequin" custom decoration MIK + Hardcase -  - Electric guitar - South Korea - 1987

VESTER - Stage series "Arlequin" custom decoration MIK + Hardcase - - Electric guitar - South Korea - 1987

VESTER Heavy Telecaster, decorated at the time in "Harlequin" style, black painted back.

Stage series, manufactured in South Korea in 1987

VESTER was a famous manufacturer, specializing in rock/metal models, from the late 80s to the mid 90s. These models are very rare, except for my collection (about fifty models).

SSH configuration (2 single Lipsick type and one Humbucker) with floating bridge. 3 pickup selection switches.

To listen to the sound, go to youtube with the title/search "VESTER AStage series Custom Deco 1980s - Soundtest by AtypicMusic"

Traces of paint wear and small dents, but in good condition considering its age. Frets in good condition.

Comes with new trunk, nylon covering.

Secure delivery.

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