No. 93344639

No longer available
Jo Niemeyer - CAFM - Sculpture, Spirale Color - 55 cm - Wood
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3 weeks ago

Jo Niemeyer - CAFM - Sculpture, Spirale Color - 55 cm - Wood

Jo Niemeyer: Spirale Color Acryl on wood, handpainted wall object / multiple Handsigned and numbered (Ed. of 100) in pencil. 4 wooden elements In plywood box with installation plan and 4 nails. The sculpture is hang with four nails on a wall and can be modified in several different Golden Section constructions. Jo Niemeyer is a concrete artist and designer (the concrete movement was founded by Theo van Doesburg in 1924). Niemeyer's work is based on the observation of the nature through the use of mathematics and, especially, the Golden Section. His main interest is directed to the perception of space, time, distances and proportion and forms the synthesis between art and nature which implies in the end a dialogue between man and nature. His works can be found in public and private collections and museums including Louisiana Museum Humlebæk, Pinakothek der Moderne München, Bauhaus Archiv Berlin, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam and the Museum of Modern Art, New York. #collectorsroom #contemporarylivingroom

No. 93344639

No longer available
Jo Niemeyer - CAFM - Sculpture, Spirale Color - 55 cm - Wood

Jo Niemeyer - CAFM - Sculpture, Spirale Color - 55 cm - Wood

Jo Niemeyer: Spirale Color
Acryl on wood, handpainted wall object / multiple

Handsigned and numbered (Ed. of 100) in pencil. 4 wooden elements In plywood box with installation plan and 4 nails.

The sculpture is hang with four nails on a wall and can be modified in several different Golden Section constructions.

Jo Niemeyer is a concrete artist and designer (the concrete movement was founded by Theo van Doesburg in 1924). Niemeyer's work is based on the observation of the nature through the use of mathematics and, especially, the Golden Section. His main interest is directed to the perception of space, time, distances and proportion and forms the synthesis between art and nature which implies in the end a dialogue between man and nature. His works can be found in public and private collections and museums including Louisiana Museum Humlebæk, Pinakothek der Moderne München, Bauhaus Archiv Berlin, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam and the Museum of Modern Art, New York.


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