No. 93325478

Labelled Stefano Scarampella - 4/4 -  - Violin
Final bid
€ 860
4 weeks ago

Labelled Stefano Scarampella - 4/4 - - Violin

A very fine old 4/4 violin, labeled Stefano Scarampella di Brescia premiato con medaglie d'argento fratello ed allievo del giuseppe fece in Mantova anno 1907. The instrument is in ready to play condition with some old repaired cracks on top, grafted scroll, new boxwood set up, new bridge and new strings. The violin has an excellent high grained spruce of the top and two pieces back of softly flamed maple with matched sides, neck and scroll. Rich golden amber varnish shows an amazing wooden choice. The whole length of the violin is 586 mm and the back 356 mm. Width of the upper bout: 163 mm; middle: 110 mm; lower: 204 mm. The sound is very powerful, sweet, deep and rich. Worldwide shipping by DHL with secured service

No. 93325478

Labelled Stefano Scarampella - 4/4 -  - Violin

Labelled Stefano Scarampella - 4/4 - - Violin

A very fine old 4/4 violin, labeled Stefano Scarampella di Brescia premiato con medaglie d'argento fratello ed allievo del giuseppe fece in Mantova anno 1907. The instrument is in ready to play condition with some old repaired cracks on top, grafted scroll, new boxwood set up, new bridge and new strings. The violin has an excellent high grained spruce of the top and two pieces back of softly flamed maple with matched sides, neck and scroll. Rich golden amber varnish shows an amazing wooden choice. The whole length of the violin is 586 mm and the back 356 mm. Width of the upper bout: 163 mm; middle: 110 mm; lower: 204 mm. The sound is very powerful, sweet, deep and rich. Worldwide shipping by DHL with secured service

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