No. 93306365

AC Milan - Italian Football League - 2014 - Event memorabilia, Football - ball, Painting, Photograph, Poster, Print, Sign, Lithograph "Back Home" by Emiliano Pozzi for Casa Milan - Limited Edition 157/999
Final bid
€ 50
5 weeks ago

AC Milan - Italian Football League - 2014 - Event memorabilia, Football - ball, Painting, Photograph, Poster, Print, Sign, Lithograph "Back Home" by Emiliano Pozzi for Casa Milan - Limited Edition 157/999

In occasione dell'inaugurazione di Casa Milan sede dell’A.C. MILAN, Barbara Berlusconi, all’epoca vicepresidente e amministratore delegato con delega alle funzioni sociali non sportive del Milan, rende omaggio ai suoi ospiti con "Back Home" serigrafia in edizione limitata dell'artista italiano Emiliano Pozzi. La litografia è stata donata esclusivamente ai calciatori del Milan, alla dirigenza e altro personale del Milan e agli ospiti V.I.P., tra cui alcune leggende del Milan, presenti all’inaugurazione. Edizione limitata, seriale numero 308 / 999 Barbara Berlusconi ha inoltre autografato la litografia, rendendo il cimelio unico. #acmilan #milan #kaka #pato #seedorf #galliani #robinho #balotelli #berlusconi #baresi

No. 93306365

AC Milan - Italian Football League - 2014 - Event memorabilia, Football - ball, Painting, Photograph, Poster, Print, Sign, Lithograph "Back Home" by Emiliano Pozzi for Casa Milan - Limited Edition 157/999

AC Milan - Italian Football League - 2014 - Event memorabilia, Football - ball, Painting, Photograph, Poster, Print, Sign, Lithograph "Back Home" by Emiliano Pozzi for Casa Milan - Limited Edition 157/999

On the occasion of the inauguration of Casa Milan, the headquarters of A.C. MILAN, Barbara Berlusconi, at the time vice-president and CEO with responsibility for non-sporting social functions of Milan, paid homage to her guests with "Back Home", a limited-edition silkscreen by Italian artist Emiliano Pozzi.
The lithograph was donated exclusively to AC Milan players, the management and other AC Milan personnel, and to the V.I.P. guests, including some AC Milan legends, present at the inauguration.

Limited edition, serial number 308 / 999

Barbara Berlusconi also autographed the lithograph, making the piece unique.

#acmilan #milan #kaka #pato #seedorf #galliani #robinho #balotelli #berlusconi #baresi

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