No. 93298205

Fabergé egg - House of Fabergé - Pastel lavender "Birds of the World" Collection Egg with stand - Height 21 cm - 22 Carat gold plated - Very, very rare - Very, very good condition. - Gold plated, Porcelain
Final bid
€ 100
4 weeks ago

Fabergé egg - House of Fabergé - Pastel lavender "Birds of the World" Collection Egg with stand - Height 21 cm - 22 Carat gold plated - Very, very rare - Very, very good condition. - Gold plated, Porcelain

Very, very rare. House Of Fabergé "Birds of the World" Collection Egg with stand. This "Birds of the World" Collection Egg is an original design from the House of Fabergé and was available exclusively through Franklin Mint. It is crafted in fine bisque porcelain with 22 carat gold accents and hand-painted in exacting detail. The stand and the figure on top of the egg are completely 22 carat gold plated. The pastel lavender colored porcelain egg also has rich 22 carat gold-plated decorations. Early 1990’s. It is signed with the House of Fabergé logo (96) and Franklin Mint on the inside of the egg. Height 21 cm. The egg and stand are in very, very good condition. See photos for further description. Will be sent by insured and registered mail, pick up is also possible in Den Bosch, North Brabant.

No. 93298205

Fabergé egg - House of Fabergé - Pastel lavender "Birds of the World" Collection Egg with stand - Height 21 cm - 22 Carat gold plated - Very, very rare - Very, very good condition. - Gold plated, Porcelain

Fabergé egg - House of Fabergé - Pastel lavender "Birds of the World" Collection Egg with stand - Height 21 cm - 22 Carat gold plated - Very, very rare - Very, very good condition. - Gold plated, Porcelain

Very, very rare.
House Of Fabergé "Birds of the World" Collection Egg with stand.
This "Birds of the World" Collection Egg is an original design from the House of Fabergé and was available exclusively through Franklin Mint.
It is crafted in fine bisque porcelain with 22 carat gold accents and hand-painted in exacting detail.
The stand and the figure on top of the egg are completely 22 carat gold plated.
The pastel lavender colored porcelain egg also has rich 22 carat gold-plated decorations.
Early 1990’s.
It is signed with the House of Fabergé logo (96) and Franklin Mint on the inside of the egg.
Height 21 cm.
The egg and stand are in very, very good condition.

See photos for further description.

Will be sent by insured and registered mail, pick up is also possible in Den Bosch, North Brabant.

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