No. 93587015

Chamonix - 550 Spyder - 1955
Final bid
€ 28,500
6 weeks ago

Chamonix - 550 Spyder - 1955

A superbly engineered, Left Hand Drive, recreation of the legendary Porsche 550 Spyder. A Chamonix 550 Spyder manufactured in Sao Paulo in Brazil and built on a 1955 Chassis The engine is VW 1600cc air cooled, with twin carburettor and a stainless Zelo sports centre exit exhaust Registered as a 1955 Chamonix, UK Exempt from Road Fund Tax or MOT , Historic Black Plates An original 550 Spyder at $5,000,000, this is a very good alternative and represents remarkable value for money Most of these recreations are built in the 1990's and the early 2000's but the attraction to the Chamonix is it is built on a genuine 1955 chassis so it car wear the correct year number plates as you see in the images , So your car is far more believable than others . This vehicle has recently been imported from Sao Paulo Brazil to the UK , The reason for this is that it is the genuine home of the manufacturer Chamonix. The vehicle has has a full strip and body repaint. It is free from dents and scratches and has had a full professional body polish. The Uk documentation is showing only one owner however we are not sure how many owners or its service history before it arrived in the UK, we do know it was with the same family for more than 16 years and cherished. Since arriving in the UK the vehicle had to be inspected for road worthiness before they issued a year related 1955 number plate (showing in the pictures 643 XWA black historic plates). As the vehicle is 70 years old it is exempt from MOT and road tax in the UK and some countries class it as art fort Import Tax/duty purpose Please check before bidding with your own country) There is no record or no evidence of any accidents The vehicle is a pull button start. It starts first time and drives as it should. The gear linkages are tight which is more unusual as they tend to be very loose and every gear is correct without any grind or noise. The interior is very good with genuine leather however it is aged which helps the car's patina and fits with its age. We chose to leave the leather original as replacing would retract from the actual age of the car. The interior is complemented by a Porsche badged wooden steering wheel and gearknob. The carpets are tailor made in a hard wearing corduroy material . The wheels are Porsche brand with recent new tyres Everything works as it should with this car and it will receive a full pre delivery inspection before release The vehicle can be seen and inspected in Middlesbrough, United Kingdom (North East of England )

No. 93587015

Chamonix - 550 Spyder - 1955

Chamonix - 550 Spyder - 1955

A superbly engineered, Left Hand Drive, recreation of the legendary Porsche 550 Spyder.

A Chamonix 550 Spyder manufactured in Sao Paulo in Brazil and built on a 1955 Chassis

The engine is VW 1600cc air cooled, with twin carburettor and a stainless Zelo sports centre exit exhaust

Registered as a 1955 Chamonix, UK Exempt from Road Fund Tax or MOT , Historic Black Plates

An original 550 Spyder at $5,000,000, this is a very good alternative and represents remarkable value for money

Most of these recreations are built in the 1990's and the early 2000's but the attraction to the Chamonix is it is built on a genuine 1955 chassis so it car wear the correct year number plates as you see in the images , So your car is far more believable than others .

This vehicle has recently been imported from Sao Paulo Brazil to the UK , The reason for this is that it is the genuine home of the manufacturer Chamonix.

The vehicle has has a full strip and body repaint. It is free from dents and scratches and has had a full professional body polish.

The Uk documentation is showing only one owner however we are not sure how many owners or its service history before it arrived in the UK, we do know it was with the same family for more than 16 years and cherished.

Since arriving in the UK the vehicle had to be inspected for road worthiness before they issued a year related 1955 number plate (showing in the pictures 643 XWA black historic plates). As the vehicle is 70 years old it is exempt from MOT and road tax in the UK and some countries class it as art fort Import Tax/duty purpose Please check before bidding with your own country)

There is no record or no evidence of any accidents

The vehicle is a pull button start. It starts first time and drives as it should. The gear linkages are tight which is more unusual as they tend to be very loose and every gear is correct without any grind or noise.

The interior is very good with genuine leather however it is aged which helps the car's patina and fits with its age. We chose to leave the leather original as replacing would retract from the actual age of the car. The interior is complemented by a Porsche badged wooden steering wheel and gearknob. The carpets are tailor made in a hard wearing corduroy material .

The wheels are Porsche brand with recent new tyres

Everything works as it should with this car and it will receive a full pre delivery inspection before release

The vehicle can be seen and inspected in Middlesbrough, United Kingdom (North East of England )

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