No. 93164823

Oldest Fossil on Earth - dated ~1.1 billion years old - Fossil matrix - Desert Stromatolites  (No Reserve Price)
Final bid
€ 89
5 weeks ago

Oldest Fossil on Earth - dated ~1.1 billion years old - Fossil matrix - Desert Stromatolites (No Reserve Price)

Stromatolites are the layered trace fossils of microbial life, primarily cyanobacteria. Some of them date back an astounding 3.4 billion years, making them the oldest record of life on planet Earth. Stromatolites and Microbialites were typically formed in shallow water by the growth of layer upon layer of cyanobacteria, a single-celled, photosynthesizing microbe. These layers often form very beautiful and colorful banded structures in the rock. These oxygen-producing cyanobacteria were so simple they lacked a DNA packaging nucleus, but were responsible for possibly the largest changes the earth has undergone. They were the only major source of atmospheric oxygen critical for the development of more complex life. This specimen come from Sahara Desert, orange color and it is dated Pre-Cambrian. They differ from the Cretaceous one's from Ken-kem region. Oldest fossil on earth in your hand, don't miss it! Specimen is 13 x 8 x 6,5 cm

No. 93164823

Oldest Fossil on Earth - dated ~1.1 billion years old - Fossil matrix - Desert Stromatolites  (No Reserve Price)

Oldest Fossil on Earth - dated ~1.1 billion years old - Fossil matrix - Desert Stromatolites (No Reserve Price)

Stromatolites are the layered trace fossils of microbial life, primarily cyanobacteria. Some of them date back an astounding 3.4 billion years, making them the oldest record of life on planet Earth.
Stromatolites and Microbialites were typically formed in shallow water by the growth of layer upon layer of cyanobacteria, a single-celled, photosynthesizing microbe.
These layers often form very beautiful and colorful banded structures in the rock.

These oxygen-producing cyanobacteria were so simple they lacked a DNA packaging nucleus, but were responsible for possibly the largest changes the earth has undergone. They were the only major source of atmospheric oxygen critical for the development of more complex life.

This specimen come from Sahara Desert, orange color and it is dated Pre-Cambrian.
They differ from the Cretaceous one's from Ken-kem region.

Oldest fossil on earth in your hand, don't miss it!

Specimen is 13 x 8 x 6,5 cm

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