No. 93068377

No longer available
Carcharodontosaur - Fossil tooth - 7.7 cm - 3.4 cm
Bidding closed
6 weeks ago

Carcharodontosaur - Fossil tooth - 7.7 cm - 3.4 cm

Scientific name: Carcharodontosaurus saharicus, Depéret and Savornin 1925 Location: Taouz, Errachidia Province, South Morocco Geological Formation: Ifezouane Formation, Red Sandstone Beds, KemKem Basin Age: Upper Cretaceous, Cenomanian stage, (~96 Million Years) Size (long): 7.7 cm = 3 inches DESCRIPTION: Nicely preserved specimen. Beautiful serrated edges, gorgeous color and surface texture. No glue or restoration at all. Well preserved Carcharodontosaurus specimens like this are rare. All of our fossils come with a Certificate of Authenticity. Important: For orders shipped outside the United States, I want to be clear that I ship from the United States, which means if you are outside the U.S. your local customs might require you to pay tax. This is a customs legal procedure and it is completely out of our control. Thanks for your understanding.

No. 93068377

No longer available
Carcharodontosaur - Fossil tooth - 7.7 cm - 3.4 cm

Carcharodontosaur - Fossil tooth - 7.7 cm - 3.4 cm

Scientific name: Carcharodontosaurus saharicus, Depéret and Savornin 1925

Location: Taouz, Errachidia Province, South Morocco

Geological Formation: Ifezouane Formation, Red Sandstone Beds, KemKem Basin

Age: Upper Cretaceous, Cenomanian stage, (~96 Million Years)

Size (long): 7.7 cm = 3 inches

Nicely preserved specimen. Beautiful serrated edges, gorgeous color and surface texture. No glue or restoration at all.

Well preserved Carcharodontosaurus specimens like this are rare.

All of our fossils come with a Certificate of Authenticity.

Important: For orders shipped outside the United States, I want to be clear that I ship from the United States, which means if you are outside the U.S. your local customs might require you to pay tax. This is a customs legal procedure and it is completely out of our control. Thanks for your understanding.

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