No. 93068091

Chet Baker - Ballads for Two - Vinyl record - 1st Pressing, Stereo - 1979
Final bid
€ 55
5 weeks ago

Chet Baker - Ballads for Two - Vinyl record - 1st Pressing, Stereo - 1979

Chet Baker / Wolfgang Lackerschmid – Ballads for Two Very rare collector's item by trumpeter Chet Baker with vibraphonist Walfgang Lackerschmid. This is the first pressing from 1979, record in near mint condition! - label: Sandra Music Productions - catalog number: SMP 2102 - year of release: 1979 - pressing: Germany, first pressing (recognisable by the label ‘Tonstudio Zuckerfabrik Stuttgart’ on the label) - condition vinyl: nm - condition cover: vg+ (small round sticker bottom left) - condition label: writing on label (date and name) Postage/Porto: innerhalb Deutschland: 6,19 EUR (DHL registration + insurance included) Innerhalb/within EU: - 8,99 EUR als Paket (DHL registration + insurance up to 50,- € included) - 14,49 EUR als Paket (DHL registration + insurance up to 500,- € included) shipment to UK and Switzerland: - 11,49 EUR als Paket (DHL registration + insurance up to 50,- € included) - 26,99 EUR als Paket (DHL registration + insurance up to 500,- € included) No shipment outside Europe! Ich bin privater Verkäufer. Von daher gebe ich keine Gewährleistung bei Verlust, Beschädigung oder sonstigen Gründen und nehme keine Waren zurück. I'm a private seller. I don't give any warranty for loss or damaged goods and I don't give refund or take back any sold items.

No. 93068091

Chet Baker - Ballads for Two - Vinyl record - 1st Pressing, Stereo - 1979

Chet Baker - Ballads for Two - Vinyl record - 1st Pressing, Stereo - 1979

Chet Baker / Wolfgang Lackerschmid – Ballads for Two

Very rare collector's item by trumpeter Chet Baker with vibraphonist Walfgang Lackerschmid. This is the first pressing from 1979, record in near mint condition!

- label: Sandra Music Productions
- catalog number: SMP 2102
- year of release: 1979
- pressing: Germany, first pressing (recognisable by the label
‘Tonstudio Zuckerfabrik Stuttgart’ on the label)
- condition vinyl: nm
- condition cover: vg+ (small round sticker bottom left)
- condition label: writing on label (date and name)

innerhalb Deutschland: 6,19 EUR (DHL registration + insurance included)
Innerhalb/within EU:
- 8,99 EUR als Paket (DHL registration + insurance up to 50,- € included)
- 14,49 EUR als Paket (DHL registration + insurance up to 500,- € included)
shipment to UK and Switzerland:
- 11,49 EUR als Paket (DHL registration + insurance up to 50,- € included)
- 26,99 EUR als Paket (DHL registration + insurance up to 500,- € included)

No shipment outside Europe!

Ich bin privater Verkäufer. Von daher gebe ich keine Gewährleistung bei Verlust, Beschädigung oder sonstigen Gründen und nehme keine Waren zurück.
I'm a private seller. I don't give any warranty for loss or damaged goods and I don't give refund or take back any sold items.

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