No. 92978515

G&L - M2000 Tribute 3tone Honeyburst MP bass 4-string -  - Electric bass guitar
Final bid
€ 520
4 weeks ago

G&L - M2000 Tribute 3tone Honeyburst MP bass 4-string - - Electric bass guitar

Three decades ago, the G&L L-2000 bass served notice that company founder Leo Fender† was ready to disrupt the status quo. The bold, brash L-2000 has always been an exhilarating experience for players with the skill to pull it off. Now the new M-2000 harnesses that power with a sonic palate that will surprise and delight new and die-hard G&L fans alike. Leo’s MFD humbuckers have always been the heart of the iconic L-Series. In the all-new M-Series, these powerhouses are voiced to fully exploit a studio-quality 18v preamp system specially designed by G&L’s R&D-wizard PaulGagon. With an LF442-chip, 100v poly caps, 1% metal film resistors and big, fat signal traces on the mil-spec circuitboard, this preamp reveals everything the player and the instrument have to offer. And there’s even more: Primary volume and pan controls to explore the full range of sounds available between the two pickups 3-band EQ with peripherally placed, center-detent, reduced-diameter knobs The return of the classic “C”-shape 1 5/8” neck, discontinued by G&L in the 1980s Storeclearance

No. 92978515

G&L - M2000 Tribute 3tone Honeyburst MP bass 4-string -  - Electric bass guitar

G&L - M2000 Tribute 3tone Honeyburst MP bass 4-string - - Electric bass guitar

Three decades ago, the G&L L-2000 bass served notice that company founder Leo Fender† was ready to disrupt the status quo. The bold, brash L-2000 has always been an exhilarating experience for players with the skill to pull it off. Now the new M-2000 harnesses that power with a sonic palate that will surprise and delight new and die-hard G&L fans alike.
Leo’s MFD humbuckers have always been the heart of the iconic L-Series. In the all-new M-Series, these powerhouses are voiced to fully exploit a studio-quality 18v preamp system specially designed by G&L’s R&D-wizard PaulGagon. With an LF442-chip, 100v poly caps, 1% metal film resistors and big, fat signal traces on the mil-spec circuitboard, this preamp reveals everything the player and the instrument have to offer. And there’s even more:
Primary volume and pan controls to explore the full range of sounds available between the two pickups
3-band EQ with peripherally placed, center-detent, reduced-diameter knobs
The return of the classic “C”-shape 1 5/8” neck, discontinued by G&L in the 1980s


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