No. 92792555

A pair of rare and unique Extra-large wooden sculptured Nio/Kongo Rikishi statues - Agata and - Statue Wood - Japan
Final bid
€ 800
5 weeks ago

A pair of rare and unique Extra-large wooden sculptured Nio/Kongo Rikishi statues - Agata and - Statue Wood - Japan

A pair of rare and unique Extra-large wooden sculptured Nio/Kongo Rikishi statues - Agata and Ungata. The two Buddhist guardian gods have well-developed muscles, chest muscles, abdominal muscles, arm muscles, and leg muscles, all of which are carved lifelike. Each toe and finger is also portrayed vividly. There are circular instruments on the wrists and ankles, and the whole body is painted with gold paint. In addition, each guardian god holds a wooden carved instrument in his right hand to drive away evil, which is very majestic and domineering. Kongorikishi (Sanskrit: वज्रपाणि, Vajrapāṇi) are one of the devas who are Buddhist guardian deities. In Sanskrit, they are called "Vajrapani" or "Vajradhara", meaning "one who holds a vajra (a weapon that drives away the enemies of Buddhism)". They are often placed in pairs at the front gates of temples, with an open-mouthed "Agyo" statue and a closed-mouthed "Ungyo" statue. When placed at the gates of temples, they are called "Nio/Niou". He is also called "Bazaradhara," "Bajarapani," "Mitsutaka Vajrayana," "Vajrayana," and "Jikongō". In Japan, you often see Niomon gates, which feature statues of Nio standing on either side of the gate at the entrance to temples. The statues are often shirtless and muscular, with the Agyo statues expressing anger, and the Unyo statues expressing hidden anger. This type of design represents their role as guardian deities who prevent enemies of Buddhism from entering the temple. Dimensions: 阿形Agata: 65 x 23 x 30 cm (5.88kg) 吽形Ungata: 64 x 22 x 30 cm (5.25kg) Good condition, there are stains, chips, scratches and some small parts missing from aging and using, please also take a look at the listed photos for a reference. Will be well packaged and shipping by Japan Post in fast delivery.

No. 92792555

A pair of rare and unique Extra-large wooden sculptured Nio/Kongo Rikishi statues - Agata and - Statue Wood - Japan

A pair of rare and unique Extra-large wooden sculptured Nio/Kongo Rikishi statues - Agata and - Statue Wood - Japan

A pair of rare and unique Extra-large wooden sculptured Nio/Kongo Rikishi statues - Agata and Ungata. The two Buddhist guardian gods have well-developed muscles, chest muscles, abdominal muscles, arm muscles, and leg muscles, all of which are carved lifelike. Each toe and finger is also portrayed vividly. There are circular instruments on the wrists and ankles, and the whole body is painted with gold paint. In addition, each guardian god holds a wooden carved instrument in his right hand to drive away evil, which is very majestic and domineering.

Kongorikishi (Sanskrit: वज्रपाणि, Vajrapāṇi) are one of the devas who are Buddhist guardian deities. In Sanskrit, they are called "Vajrapani" or "Vajradhara", meaning "one who holds a vajra (a weapon that drives away the enemies of Buddhism)". They are often placed in pairs at the front gates of temples, with an open-mouthed "Agyo" statue and a closed-mouthed "Ungyo" statue. When placed at the gates of temples, they are called "Nio/Niou". He is also called "Bazaradhara," "Bajarapani," "Mitsutaka Vajrayana," "Vajrayana," and "Jikongō".

In Japan, you often see Niomon gates, which feature statues of Nio standing on either side of the gate at the entrance to temples. The statues are often shirtless and muscular, with the Agyo statues expressing anger, and the Unyo statues expressing hidden anger. This type of design represents their role as guardian deities who prevent enemies of Buddhism from entering the temple.

阿形Agata: 65 x 23 x 30 cm (5.88kg)
吽形Ungata: 64 x 22 x 30 cm (5.25kg)

Good condition, there are stains, chips, scratches and some small parts missing from aging and using, please also take a look at the listed photos for a reference.

Will be well packaged and shipping by Japan Post in fast delivery.

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