No. 92463425

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EARTH WIND AND FIRE   Switzerland Gold Album Record Award - Decorative item - 1981
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8 weeks ago

EARTH WIND AND FIRE Switzerland Gold Album Record Award - Decorative item - 1981

EARTH WIND AND FIRE "RAISE" Gold album record award TOTALLY VERY VERY RARE and original Gold Record Award presented to EARTH WIND AND FIRE!!! Sales in Switzerland. Raise is the eleventh studio album by the American band Earth, Wind & Fire, released on November 14, 1981, by ARC/Columbia Records. The album spent 11 weeks atop the Billboard Top R&B albums chart and peaked at No. 5 on the Billboard 200 chart. Raise has been certified Platinum in the US by the RIAA, Gold in the UK by the BPI and Gold in Canada by Music Canada, and Gold in other Countries. #ExclusiveAudiophile #hobbycollection

No. 92463425

No longer available
EARTH WIND AND FIRE   Switzerland Gold Album Record Award - Decorative item - 1981

EARTH WIND AND FIRE Switzerland Gold Album Record Award - Decorative item - 1981

Gold album record award

TOTALLY VERY VERY RARE and original Gold Record Award presented to EARTH WIND AND FIRE!!!
Sales in Switzerland.

Raise is the eleventh studio album by the American band Earth, Wind & Fire, released on November 14, 1981, by ARC/Columbia Records.
The album spent 11 weeks atop the Billboard Top R&B albums chart and peaked at No. 5 on the Billboard 200 chart.
Raise has been certified Platinum in the US by the RIAA, Gold in the UK by the BPI and Gold in Canada by Music Canada, and Gold in other Countries.



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