No. 92379053

2000 Chateau Sarraziere Cotes du Marmandais - Lot-et-Garonne - 6 Bottles (0.75L)
Final bid
€ 32
8 weeks ago

2000 Chateau Sarraziere Cotes du Marmandais - Lot-et-Garonne - 6 Bottles (0.75L)

Red - Bold and Structured Parker Points: Don't know. Fill Level: Low neck for all visible bottles (just below the neck). Label Condition: Excellent condition. Capsule Condition: Excellent condition. Bottle Size/Capacity: Likely 750 mL (standard size). Bottling Information: Bottled at the estate ("mise en bouteille à la propriété"). Wine/Vineyard History: Château Sarrazière, vintage 2000, appellation Côtes du Marmandais contrôlée. Drink or Age: As a 2000 vintage, it is likely ready to drink

No. 92379053

2000 Chateau Sarraziere Cotes du Marmandais - Lot-et-Garonne - 6 Bottles (0.75L)

2000 Chateau Sarraziere Cotes du Marmandais - Lot-et-Garonne - 6 Bottles (0.75L)

Red - Bold and Structured
Parker Points: Don't know.
Fill Level: Low neck for all visible bottles (just below the neck).
Label Condition: Excellent condition.
Capsule Condition: Excellent condition.
Bottle Size/Capacity: Likely 750 mL (standard size).
Bottling Information: Bottled at the estate ("mise en bouteille à la propriété").
Wine/Vineyard History: Château Sarrazière, vintage 2000, appellation Côtes du Marmandais contrôlée. Drink or Age: As a 2000 vintage, it is likely ready to drink

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