In this enchanting sculpture, a young cherub extends an innocent and playful reach towards a beautiful woman, capturing a moment of delightful interaction. The cherub's gesture is one of curiosity and eagerness, seeking the woman's attention. In response, the woman gracefully reaches back, her touch delicate as she engages with the cherub's playful curls. The sculpted scene exudes a sense of tenderness and connection, creating a captivating narrative frozen in time. The woman, portrayed with exquisite beauty, sits in an almost complete state of undress, her garment elegantly draped around one thigh and cascading to the ground in gentle ripples. Holding a row of rose buds, she adds a touch of natural elegance to the composition, enhanced by the intricate detailing achieved through the lost wax method. The sculpture is handcrafted with meticulous care, featuring a brown patina that adds depth and warmth to the bronze. Gold accents further elevate the piece, contributing a touch of opulence and highlighting key elements within the artwork. Crafted with precision using the lost wax method, this sculpture attains a level of detail that brings the scene to life. The artist, Milo, leaves his signature on the piece, signifying his role in creating this captivating and evocative artwork. Mounted on a black marble base, the sculpture not only provides stability but also complements the overall composition, creating a visually striking presentation. The result is a harmonious blend of artistic skill, narrative richness, and timeless beauty captured in a moment of connection between the cherub and the enchanting woman.

In this enchanting sculpture, a young cherub extends an innocent and playful reach towards a beautiful woman, capturing a moment of delightful interaction. The cherub's gesture is one of curiosity and eagerness, seeking the woman's attention. In response, the woman gracefully reaches back, her touch delicate as she engages with the cherub's playful curls. The sculpted scene exudes a sense of tenderness and connection, creating a captivating narrative frozen in time. The woman, portrayed with exquisite beauty, sits in an almost complete state of undress, her garment elegantly draped around one thigh and cascading to the ground in gentle ripples. Holding a row of rose buds, she adds a touch of natural elegance to the composition, enhanced by the intricate detailing achieved through the lost wax method. The sculpture is handcrafted with meticulous care, featuring a brown patina that adds depth and warmth to the bronze. Gold accents further elevate the piece, contributing a touch of opulence and highlighting key elements within the artwork. Crafted with precision using the lost wax method, this sculpture attains a level of detail that brings the scene to life. The artist, Milo, leaves his signature on the piece, signifying his role in creating this captivating and evocative artwork. Mounted on a black marble base, the sculpture not only provides stability but also complements the overall composition, creating a visually striking presentation. The result is a harmonious blend of artistic skill, narrative richness, and timeless beauty captured in a moment of connection between the cherub and the enchanting woman.

After 2000
Country of Origin
Title of artwork
Milo - Mother & Child - 11 kg
Hand signed
Good condition
13 in
6 in
6 in
11 lb

11 reviews (11 in last 12 months)
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The seller made a real effort to protect the item during transport. Unfortunately is was broken on arrival. Not blaming the seller. Just bad luck.

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Seller's response

I am very sorry. I tried everything to protect the object. I thought that this is a very fragile object. The material is tin so maybe a skilled professional can repair it. Please don't be angry.

Voir message envoyé au Vendeur

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Snelle levering en goed verpakt.

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Laut Angabe der Plattform Catawiki sollte die Eulenskulptur eine Signatur des verstorbenen Künstler Salvador Dali haben. Dem ist aber nicht so. Die Skulptur hat mit Dali soviel zutun wie ich mit ihm.

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Seller's response

picture 8/10?


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Seller's response

I'm glad everything was fine. Thank you for your purchase. Much joy and health. Have a nice day Lesley

Fast delivery, excellent packaging, product corresponds to the description! Great job! Thank you.

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Seller's response

I'm glad everything was fine. Thank you for your purchase. Much joy and health. Have a nice day Lesley

Freundlich und Hilfsbereit. Danke für die positive Abwicklung!

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11 reviews (11 in last 12 months)
  1. 8
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The seller made a real effort to protect the item during transport. Unfortunately is was broken on arrival. Not blaming the seller. Just bad luck.

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Seller's response

I am very sorry. I tried everything to protect the object. I thought that this is a very fragile object. The material is tin so maybe a skilled professional can repair it. Please don't be angry.