No. 92038953

No longer available
Fiat - 1200 Coupé OSI - 1965
Bidding closed
11 weeks ago

Fiat - 1200 Coupé OSI - 1965

Very rare Neckar St Trop coupé by OSI (=Fiat 1200 coupé OSI in Italy), design by Michelotti. Car in global very good condition, restored in Germany in 2011 and still very nice. Bodywork/Paintwork: Originally white, the car was restored in red with a complete external painting + engine bay + dashboard. Still extremely well preserved with no dents nor specific issues. Underneath where protected and are still original and solid. No specific work to plan on this car, just enjoy it! Technical: The car works perfectly well. Only the starter has some failed after long storage (certainly the solenoid to change). Engine works very well cold and hot, can be driven on small street like on the highway! Gearbox works perfectly with no shifting problem. Brakes are also working very well (handbrake like wheels brakes). This is on of the main interest of those fuoriseries, the Fiat mechanic is solid, cheap to maintain or restore and very reliable! Interior: Also restored in 2011, it is still in very good shape. New set of carpets at that time and repair on drive seat. By the way it is important to know that those specific bucket seats are extremely confortable, nothing to compare with factory seats. An important detail to enjoy driving this little car! To note: the indicator lever was broken and sticked again. Missing the factory OSI plate on the dashboard hole for the radio. Documents: French documents: copy of the 1st carte grise + original of the 2nd one + actual one. Car was previously in Germany (where it was restored in the past) and I still have German papers. Other information: I can help for transport, cost depending on your destination. Car is stored in France, North Bretagne, Morlaix.

No. 92038953

No longer available
Fiat - 1200 Coupé OSI - 1965

Fiat - 1200 Coupé OSI - 1965

Very rare Neckar St Trop coupé by OSI (=Fiat 1200 coupé OSI in Italy), design by Michelotti.

Car in global very good condition, restored in Germany in 2011 and still very nice.


Originally white, the car was restored in red with a complete external painting + engine bay + dashboard. Still extremely well preserved with no dents nor specific issues. Underneath where protected and are still original and solid. No specific work to plan on this car, just enjoy it!


The car works perfectly well. Only the starter has some failed after long storage (certainly the solenoid to change). Engine works very well cold and hot, can be driven on small street like on the highway! Gearbox works perfectly with no shifting problem. Brakes are also working very well (handbrake like wheels brakes). This is on of the main interest of those fuoriseries, the Fiat mechanic is solid, cheap to maintain or restore and very reliable!


Also restored in 2011, it is still in very good shape. New set of carpets at that time and repair on drive seat. By the way it is important to know that those specific bucket seats are extremely confortable, nothing to compare with factory seats. An important detail to enjoy driving this little car! To note: the indicator lever was broken and sticked again. Missing the factory OSI plate on the dashboard hole for the radio.


French documents: copy of the 1st carte grise + original of the 2nd one + actual one. Car was previously in Germany (where it was restored in the past) and I still have German papers.

Other information:

I can help for transport, cost depending on your destination. Car is stored in France, North Bretagne, Morlaix.

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