No. 92002331

No Reserve Price Ancient Neolithic Shamanic Idol - Amulet
Final bid
€ 300
8 weeks ago

No Reserve Price Ancient Neolithic Shamanic Idol - Amulet

Ancient Neolithic Shamanic Idol Weight: 94.41 g Dimensions: 80X32X23 mm This is a Neolithic archaic artefact from China/Mongolia. Presumably from the Hongshan culture The Hongshan culture is one of the oldest Neolithic cultures in China, its members lived between central Mongolia and the provinces Liaoning and Hebei. “Hongshan” means “Red Mountain” and refers to a location in central Mongolia. Artefacts from this culture often show ancient deities whose depiction is reminiscent of extraterrestrials for a modern observer. The Hongshan culture was a Neolithic civilization that flourished in China between 4700 and 2900 BC. It is particularly known for its jade artifacts. The Hongshan civilization considered these carving sacred, in fact many artifacts and statuettes were discovered inside tombs and temples. Age of this item is to be determined. It is iron meteorite or tourmaline. Before the Iron Age, that is before the advent of iron smelting, the main source of the metal was meteoritic iron. Tourmaline is a crystalline silicate mineral group in which boron is compounded with elements such as aluminium, iron, magnesium, sodium, lithium, or potassium. Black tourmaline is very popular for creating a shield of protection from negative energies. Use black tourmaline to release tension and negative thoughts and ground yourself.

No. 92002331

No Reserve Price Ancient Neolithic Shamanic Idol - Amulet

No Reserve Price Ancient Neolithic Shamanic Idol - Amulet

Ancient Neolithic Shamanic Idol
Weight: 94.41 g
Dimensions: 80X32X23 mm

This is a Neolithic archaic artefact from China/Mongolia. Presumably from the Hongshan culture
The Hongshan culture is one of the oldest Neolithic cultures in China, its members lived between central Mongolia and the provinces Liaoning and Hebei.
“Hongshan” means “Red Mountain” and refers to a location in central Mongolia.
Artefacts from this culture often show ancient deities whose depiction is reminiscent of extraterrestrials for a modern observer.
The Hongshan culture was a Neolithic civilization that flourished in China between 4700 and 2900 BC. It is particularly known for its jade artifacts. The Hongshan civilization considered these carving sacred, in fact many artifacts and statuettes were discovered inside tombs and temples. Age of this item is to be determined.

It is iron meteorite or tourmaline. Before the Iron Age, that is before the advent of iron smelting, the main source of the metal was meteoritic iron. Tourmaline is a crystalline silicate mineral group in which boron is compounded with elements such as aluminium, iron, magnesium, sodium, lithium, or potassium.

Black tourmaline is very popular for creating a shield of protection from negative energies. Use black tourmaline to release tension and negative thoughts and ground yourself.

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