No. 91996175

Monastery of Iona (United Kingdom) — Ca. 800 - Book of Kells Facsimile. Fine Binding. - 2024
Final bid
€ 610
6 weeks ago

Monastery of Iona (United Kingdom) — Ca. 800 - Book of Kells Facsimile. Fine Binding. - 2024

Book of Kells Facsimile. Fine Binding. REPRODUCTION OF BOOK OF KELLS | Monastery of Iona (United Kingdom) — Ca. 800 A UNESCO World Heritage document and arguably the most famous mystical manuscript in the world: intricate interlace and Celtic knots in a masterpiece of insular illumination Deluxe leather-bound copy, bound by a master bookbinder/old medieval manuscript expert with 40 years of expertise in book restoration, made to measure to be housed in a beautiful metal enameled style cover. Language: Latin Content: Eusebian canon tables; Jerome's Vulgate gospels with Argumenta and Breves Causae; additional readings in Old Latin. Pages: 610 pages Dimensions: 23.5 x 16 x 5 cm The Book of Kells, also known as the Codex Cenannensis or Leabhar Cheanannais, is an illuminated manuscript containing the four Gospels of the New Testament. Crafted in a Columban monastery, it likely began on the Isle of Iona in Scotland in the early 8th century. After a Viking raid, it was moved to Kells, Ireland, where it may have been completed in the early 9th century. The book’s lavishly decorated pages feature intricate Christian iconography, Celtic knots, and vibrant colors, making it a pinnacle of Insular illumination. T The manuscript contains the four Gospels of the New Testament and showcases remarkable early-medieval miniatures, including full-page illustrations of Christ, Mary with Child, and the Evangelists. Elaborate typefaces and finely patterned initials adorned with luminous colors demonstrate the masterful technical expertise behind its creation. Notably, the Book of Kells features unconventional materials: orpiment, a rare arsenic sulfide mineral, replaces gold, and lapis lazuli, exclusively found in Afghanistan at the time, contributes to its vibrant blue hues.

No. 91996175

Monastery of Iona (United Kingdom) — Ca. 800 - Book of Kells Facsimile. Fine Binding. - 2024

Monastery of Iona (United Kingdom) — Ca. 800 - Book of Kells Facsimile. Fine Binding. - 2024

Book of Kells Facsimile. Fine Binding.
REPRODUCTION OF BOOK OF KELLS | Monastery of Iona (United Kingdom) — Ca. 800
A UNESCO World Heritage document and arguably the most famous mystical manuscript in the world: intricate interlace and Celtic knots in a masterpiece of insular illumination
Deluxe leather-bound copy, bound by a master bookbinder/old medieval manuscript expert with 40 years of expertise in book restoration, made to measure to be housed in a beautiful metal enameled style cover.
Language: Latin
Content: Eusebian canon tables; Jerome's Vulgate gospels with Argumenta and Breves Causae; additional readings in Old Latin.
Pages: 610 pages
Dimensions: 23.5 x 16 x 5 cm

The Book of Kells, also known as the Codex Cenannensis or Leabhar Cheanannais, is an illuminated manuscript containing the four Gospels of the New Testament. Crafted in a Columban monastery, it likely began on the Isle of Iona in Scotland in the early 8th century. After a Viking raid, it was moved to Kells, Ireland, where it may have been completed in the early 9th century. The book’s lavishly decorated pages feature intricate Christian iconography, Celtic knots, and vibrant colors, making it a pinnacle of Insular illumination. T
The manuscript contains the four Gospels of the New Testament and showcases remarkable early-medieval miniatures, including full-page illustrations of Christ, Mary with Child, and the Evangelists. Elaborate typefaces and finely patterned initials adorned with luminous colors demonstrate the masterful technical expertise behind its creation. Notably, the Book of Kells features unconventional materials: orpiment, a rare arsenic sulfide mineral, replaces gold, and lapis lazuli, exclusively found in Afghanistan at the time, contributes to its vibrant blue hues.

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